This has been a great school year so far! I'm really glad I got connected with the Calvary Chapel Old Bridge Home School group...there are tons of parents involved and so many activities to be a part of.
This is their 5th annual Social Studies Fair, and this year the theme is One Nation Under God...we got to choose from a list of topics and in February we will bring our projects and 2 minute presentations to Calvary Chapel. There are already 40 something families signed up! They had to cut it off at 50 to be able to accommodate us all.
Since we have already been studying the Presidents of the US I decided Thomas Jefferson would be a great President to do our project on.
The mom in charge of the fair gave all of us a time line of what we should do every few weeks to be organized and have good time management. And since Julia is only a Pre Schooler the project requirements are limited to a 3 fold poster board that we get to decorate and put the facts that we learn about our topic on it.
I can't tell you how excited John and I are about this Fair. We already talked about how we are all going to attend. It will be in the evening on a week day and John will come home early so that he can see Julia give her presentation. (I know everyone will be exceeedingly gracious with my newly four year old as she uses a microphone for the first time!)
We went to the library before Awana tonight to get our books on Thomas Jefferson that we will read and study during school time! I can't wait to do the research and memorize the facts right along with Julia and Mark.
Isn't school so fun???? So wish us luck and pray for us as we embark on our social studies project!!! Woohoo! We love school! We love school!

This is their 5th annual Social Studies Fair, and this year the theme is One Nation Under God...we got to choose from a list of topics and in February we will bring our projects and 2 minute presentations to Calvary Chapel. There are already 40 something families signed up! They had to cut it off at 50 to be able to accommodate us all.
Since we have already been studying the Presidents of the US I decided Thomas Jefferson would be a great President to do our project on.
The mom in charge of the fair gave all of us a time line of what we should do every few weeks to be organized and have good time management. And since Julia is only a Pre Schooler the project requirements are limited to a 3 fold poster board that we get to decorate and put the facts that we learn about our topic on it.
I can't tell you how excited John and I are about this Fair. We already talked about how we are all going to attend. It will be in the evening on a week day and John will come home early so that he can see Julia give her presentation. (I know everyone will be exceeedingly gracious with my newly four year old as she uses a microphone for the first time!)
We went to the library before Awana tonight to get our books on Thomas Jefferson that we will read and study during school time! I can't wait to do the research and memorize the facts right along with Julia and Mark.
Isn't school so fun???? So wish us luck and pray for us as we embark on our social studies project!!! Woohoo! We love school! We love school!
We are in the same state! I know CCOB!! We've done a couple activities via that group :)