Our Decision to Breastfeed
Looking back it was one of those decisions that just felt right. It was free, it was all natural, and it would help to speed along any weight gained through pregnancy so for me it was a win win for the both of us! I decided to breast feed Julia even before she was the size of a golf ball. All natural seemed like such a no-brainer decision. Why didn't everyone breastfeed?
I found the reason out the minute Julia was a few days old. Perhaps not all moms chose to breast feed because of the intense pain they experienced while doing so! It hurt so bad those first few weeks and no I was not doing it wrong! It just plain hurt. I can still remember being in agony every time she latched on. I would literally see stars. Once we got into our rhythm of breast feeding and pumping during the day so John could feed Julia bottles at night (so I could sleep for a few uninterrupted hours) the pain subsided and we breastfed like a champ until 10 months. Julia started weaning herself off and I didn't realize why, until I took a pregnancy test and discovered we were pregnant with baby #2!
Mark Ciro |
When Mark was born everything about his birth and his feeding was different. His birth was by far my favorite. It was quick, easy and done in the water. Having a water birth the second time around was so relaxing. Mark latched on quickly and our breastfeeding story was easy and I can't ever being in pain. We stopped breast feeding right around 13 months and Mark started drinking soy milk.
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Micah Justice |
Four years went by and we had our second son Micah, my feeding situation with Micah was rough! He couldn't latch properly. I bled a lot in the beginning when I nursed him which made it so painful and I would try to pump but that hurt too. Then I would get mastitis. I was a hot mess. We stuck with it and I had a lactation consultant come over to the house to help me, within an hour we figured out the problem and he was fine. I nursed Micah until is first birthday and then we stopped just like that! (I was also 3 months pregnant at the time with Amelia)
Prenatal Vitamins Link
Prenatal Vitamins Link
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Julia 6, Mark 5, Micah 1, Amelia (in the belly) |
Amelia was born into a very busy little family. Julia was 6 1/2, Mark was 5, Micah was 17 months when she joined us. We were so thankful to add another girl to the mix! Julia was praying for a baby sister since she already had two brothers. And she just knew we would have a girl! She was completely right.
We breastfed Miss Amelia Susanna without any problems, and at 5 months old we started introducing barley cereal and then baby food. Vegetables first and then fruit. We breastfed until Amelia was 10 months old and then we went straight to almond milk which she LOVED and drank it straight from a sippy cup. I would've nursed her forever because she was such a dreamy easy going baby but I had dental work and the meds they put me on were too strong for her to have while breast feeding and she was starting to be so mobile and breastfeeding less and less anyway so it seemed like perfect timing.
I am thankful I listened to my body each time and did what I felt was right for our kids instead of just doing what everyone else was doing at the time. I stopped breastfeeding when I was ready and when I felt my child was ready. In my opinion once they were walking and talking it was probably time for them to start a sippy cup. That was just what was best for us.
I have learned that the way you feed your child is your choice! No one can make you feel guilty or tell you that are doing it wrong. You and your doctor can make those big decisions together. I always started solids once my babies were 5-6 months old. I had BIG BABIES. Both Julia and Mark were 8lbs babies and Micah and Amelia were 9lbs. In my opinion they were completely able to wait until 5-6 months for solids. I started their first "meal" of rice cereal or barley cereal at night time. We would do that for a week or two. Then we would start trying out all the veggies and then the fruits. I loved giving them baby food! And none of my kids had any allergies. We started peanut butter and jelly sandwiches right around 9-10 months old and they LOVED peanut butter!
Micah had a slight allergy to strawberries, but he loved eating them so much that we would keep trying them and after a few weeks he would no longer get a rash and I figured he wasn't allergic anymore. If you know Micah you know of his deep love for fruits and veggies and PASTA!
That is our feeding history with our kids. I have got to tell you something. Feeding them and watching them grow has been the joy of my life. There has been no greater moments for me in motherhood than breastfeeding my babies and holding their hands and looking into their eyes and holding them close. And sitting them in a high chair and feeding them something new and watching their facial expressions has been so fun and hilarious. Especially when serving them peas! In my opinion it's best to start with the veggies first because it will broaden their palate and then they will truly enjoy the fruits that much more! But either way you do it, formula, breastfed, rice cereal, barley, whatever you choose will be perfect for you and your baby. That's just how it works. They all even out in the end! It has to be what is best for you and your situation...it just does!
Check out this links if organic formula is something that is best for your family!
Honest Baby Formula
Check out this links if organic formula is something that is best for your family!
Honest Baby Formula