Well my friends, today I want you to take a quiz and have your hubby take it too. It's super fast. It will tell you which of the Five Love Languages you have. This is from the book by Gary Chapman. John and I both read the book during our engagement and it really helped us learn about each other more. The five languages are: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Gifts.
The Five Love Language Test.
So click on the sentence above and take the 30 question test...
Years ago, when I took it (8 years ago) My top two were Quality time and Gifts...and John's were Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation. I took the quiz over to see if mine would be the same and I tied between Quality Time and Acts of Service. I laughed out loud! As a stay at home mother of two, I can tell you, that if you want to show me love, then take out the garbage, fold a load of laundry, prep my coffee in the morning and I will feel LOVED! I love having my friends over and spending time with them, even if all we do is sit around and talk, and over a hot cup of tea or coffee is even better.
I have to mention my friend Christy H. here. I'll never forget she came over to visit me right after I had Julia. Julia was maybe 2 weeks old. I was tired. I was worn out. I was so out of my element. I missed teaching. I missed my "old life" before all the demands of being a mommy (plus my hormones were raging), the minute she walked in the door I burst into tears. I told her how hard it was, my fears, my weakness, how overtired I was, I complained that poor Julia wasn't on a schedule yet! Ha! Poor thing. She listened. She hugged me. She encouraged me, and then she proceeded to ask me what did I need...well, I had Julia on Dec 31, and now it was the middle of January, John was working, and the Christmas tree was still up, and for some reason it was driving me mad. So Christy, the wonderful friend that she is, went up into my attic!!!! God bless her! Got the big box for decorations, took all the ornaments off, wrapped them, and put the tree outside! Okay, three cheers for Christy!!!
That was an act of service and quality time all wrapped into one. She does stuff like that all the time for me, she comes over and we spend girl time together, talking over a meal and she does the dishes for me, cleans the highchair tray, dries the dishes, puts them away, then we sit and have tea. She will never know (well she will if she reads this) just how meaningful that is to me.
All of this is to say, that if you know the love language of your family members, your spouse, your friends, and then you do your best to show them you love them by "doing" things through their love language, you start to speak their language and show them just how much you care in a way they totally need and understand.
Sometimes a little bit of knowledge can go a long way! Speaking the love language of the people around you can make a huge impact! I've also noticed that I'm really good at loving people the way I want to be loved, but I may need a little extra work in the areas that are not my love language. Isn't it ironic that John and I have completely different love languages? Opposites attract, right? It's true! But when you are dating and courting your spouse to be it is easy to love them in their love language because all you want to do is make them happy. Your greatest joy is seeing them smile!
So take the Love Language Quiz/Test...have your spouse take it, have your friends take it and share your results with each other! It makes for really good conversation. After you take the quiz can you please post me your own results!?! I'd love to hear what your love language is! Consider it a homework assignment!
My love language is words of affirmation and quality time while my husband, Chuck's is physical touch and quality time. We enjoyed taking the test. Thanks! Looking forward to what you have posted tomorrow! Love the pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteWe also read the book while dating but never took the test. We will definitely be doing this together.
ReplyDeleteMy love languages are Quality time and Words of Affirmation! Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteQuality time with 40% (or 12) and acts of service with 30% (or 9). I am going to ask Ev to take it to, although I think I already know his.
ReplyDeletethanks Kristi for this reminder.
Mine are Quality Time with 40% (12 points) and Acts of Service with 40% (9 points). I did this before, but Ev hasn't. I will ask him to. Thanks.
Thanks for the cheers and your sweet words; you certainly know how to make a girl's day! And coincidentally, you just really spoke my love language with this blog entry because according to your test WORDS OF AFFIRMATION ranked the highest at a 10 (tied with ACTS OF SERVICE):) Looking forward to having Mike take it next...I'll let you know what I learn ;)
ReplyDeletexoxoxo Christy