On Thursday, June 3rd, Mark Ciro, my one year old big boy, got his first haircut. He really needed it too. I was trying to hold out because everyone loves his red hair and his curls, but when my friend Liz came over on Wed and mentioned he needed a haircut, I thought to myself, yup, it IS time.
Plus, getting the first hair cut has now become the tradition in our house after the first birthday. I remember Julia got her first haircut a few days after her big party also, and Aunt Sara came along to help!
We took the kids to the East Brunswick Mall and near the Macy's department is a salon for kids and adults. The kids have these special car chairs with a steering wheel and everything and a T.V. nearby to distract them.
Mark was not a huge fan of not being in my arms, and he did not like this stranger hairdresser cutting his precious locks off, but it had to be done. He sucked on his binky and once it was over I plopped him in his carriage with a green lollipop and it was all worth it. Until Julia who sits right in front of him stole his lollipop for a few seconds. He was NOT happy. A few tears/screams later, all was well, and Julia was reprimanded. She couldn't help herself because even though she had a grape lollipop, the green one did look really good, maybe she just wanted a quick taste.
Well, the salon saved his curls and bagged them for me and wrote Mark out his first hair cut certificate. And did I mention that Julia got a bang trim? Well, $15 later we rolled out of the salon and got some pizza with Aunt Sara. It was a good day, minus the fact that no one took a picture of me and my son with his new haircut...I'm always the photographer. Oh, well, I did have a cute outfit on though...guess you'll have to use your imagination!
Not hard to imagine! You always have cute outfits on! What a big boy he is getting to be!