Praying for Purpose by Katie Brazelton
Exodus 31: 1, 3 Then the Lord said..."And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge and all kinds of crafts."
Right now I am doing an awesome devotional that I love! Today's scripture led us to read about the talents. (Matthew 25:14-30) We then had to list our own gifts and talents:
I am humbly going to share what I think my gifts and talents are:
1. Teaching
2. Organizing (from drawers, clothes, shoes, to teams, ideas, and events)
3. leadership
4. encouragement
5. writing (correspondence and free writitng, although I tend to write how I would speak to a friend instead of formal writing)
7. cooking & baking (hosting too)
8. dare I say, shopping!!! (I get really good deals!)
We then had to ponder and see if we are currently using our gifts and talents for the Lord. I really hope I am. As a mom and wife I have to use many of these things and I do try to transfer some of them by teaching K-5 Sunday School at church and do nursery, I try to stay in touch with friends I may not see every day, but let them know I care about them and are praying for them. But I do wonder if there are other things God wants me to do.
Lord I am open to be used for your glory. Please show me how I can use my gifts and talents for you. Help me to enjoy being a stay at home mom and really put a lot of my time and efforts into cultivating a safe and happy home. I want to have the kind of home that I longed to have as a kid where all the neighborhood kids want to come over and play and feel welcomed.
I think it is very important to list the talents that God has given us to see if we are using them. How funny that our lists look very similar!