Dear John,
Who knows when you will read this, but I just wanted to tell you and the rest of the world that I so appreciate all you do for us. From 7 am till 9pm you are up and serving our family.
Thank you for going to Julia's room at 7am when she wakes up (sometimes 6:30) and giving her breakfast and making me breakfast and my first cup of coffee. It is so nice to come downstairs to smell that freshly made coffee and hear Julia happily changed and fed, playing with her dolls.
I appreciate how you take care of the puppy. I've been so neglectful of poor Paris now that Mark is here. It is hard juggling two babies and a puppy. Sometimes I even forget to pet her.
Thank you for working so hard for us in our home and out of our home at the Taekwondo school. The way the parents and your students adore you speaks volumes of your godly character and the fun-loving person you are.
I love how you play with Julia (even when you two are rough housing and I get nervous, of course Julia squeals with laughter) and read to her and teach her new words. I love how you are consistent when she needs a time-out or a daddy talk.
I really appreciate how you take Mark outside for a stroll so I can take a shower and get ready for the day. It is so nice to have two free hands!
Thank you for allowing me this time to be with the kids as they grow and are so impressionable right now. I know it is only because of how wise/responsible you are with our income that we are able to pay all our bills and are not worrying about debt or the future.
Most of all I am just thankful for your love and friendship that has become so dear to me. It is really true that as you get to know someone your love for them grows and you grow to love every single thing about them! (even the things you thought you could never leaving your shaved hairs in the sink LOL)
I can picture us in a few decades living in a small flat in Europe somewhere, traveling the world, and serving Jesus with all we have!
I love you babe!
That was beautiful, Kristi!