John, you will always be my Knight in shining armor! |
Friday night, John left the city early, so that we could head to Lyndhurst, NJ, and celebrate Alice's birthday at Medieval Times! (Alice is turning 24 this Tuesday, she is Debi's daughter)
Alice is like a sister to me. I still can't believe I used to babysit her and her brother Eric when they were younger. Alice is a few months older than my own baby sister, Sara.
I've been to Medieval times twice. One time as a student, and one time as a camp leader.
My husband John has never been there, and he was so excited to go and celebrate with Alice and her friends and family. We arrived around 7:30, and the "show" started at 8:00 p.m. I was thankful to my neighbors Teresita and Cristi who babysat Mark and Julia. We left at 6:30 p.m. and the girls played with the kids for about an hour before putting them to bed for us.
Alice, the beautiful birthday girl, is kneeling in yellow. Our Knight is in blue! |
What is really great about Medieval Times is that everyone who works there is dressed in the time period and speaks from that time as well. It is fun to get into character and play along. There are real horses, real jousting matches, knights, a king, a villain (green guy), and of course a beautiful princess Lady Leonora. We were seated in a theater like fashion, but the middle of the room is where all the knights and horses and jousting matches take place.
Lady Alice, the birthday girl! |
Our Knight! Go team blue! |
Throughout the evening you are eating a delicious meal, while watching the jousting. And get this, there are no utensils! You drink your soup from a bowl with a handle...then you are served a huge piece of chicken, a potato, and a rib...and you eat it all with your hands! Very messy, but very, very good food!
Ev and Debi and me...my two favorite people...Alice's Dad and Mom. |
Alice is such a wonderful woman of God and I am so proud of her. Her parents, Deb and Ev, have done an amazing job raising both her and her brother Eric. Deb and Ev are more than friends to me, they are my family. I go to them for prayer, for guidance, for support, when my air condition was broken and me and Julia needed a place to stay, when I was house hunting Deb went with me, when I need godly advice they just hear me out and let me vent, and they have never let me down. Alice is blessed to have such great parents!
Alice with all our warriors! |
It was such a fun night out, and I got to spend it with people I love! Happy Birthday, Alice, we love you sweetie!!!
Saturday morning, Julia got her own little Medieval souvenir! |
While I was out having fun at Medieval Times, my friend Christy helped update, and give my blog a bit of a makeover...as you can see a lot of changes have been made, including my new name "Keeping Up with Kristi" I hope you all enjoy it and like it.
A special thanks to Christy and all her tireless work...she has always been one to believe in me, and she is a faithful reader of my blog. She knows it has been my outlet since I've been a stay at home mom. She also knows my dream and wish to have my blog be an encouragement and a blessing to other women. Thank you Christy. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for taking the time to help set up my new Twitter account, and give my blog all the needed computer, technical touch ups that I struggle with. Thanks for being a great friend to me. I love you!
What a wonderful evening! So good to have good friends!