Dear Mark,
My youngest little guy...there's No One Like You!
I love how different you are and how special you are.
You make me smile always. I love how you constantly love giving me hugs and still want me to hold you.
I love how you say, "Good Night Mom!" At bed time and give me a kiss.
Your arrival was super special because we had no idea we were having a little boy, and when you came out in the peaceful water birth, and we saw that beautiful red hair, we swooned over you!
And where as Julia slept so well right away and gladly went to anyone who wanted to hold were my loyal little guy who ONLY wanted mommy, even Daddy had a hard time winning you over, but he soon did!
I remember how that first night in the hospital you cried, and cried, and cried every time I put you down, you let me know, that you wanted to be with me at ALL times! By night number two, the nurses gave me a little break so mommy could rest!
You soon met your Best Friend Forever, Julia Star, and you two have your own little world.
You do just about anything Julia tells you to do, if she says let's play house, you play house, if she says let's ride bikes, you ride bikes, if she says lets play birthday party you happily sing along and pretend to blow out candles. You are so easy going and good natured!
And you and Daddy, because buddies! Digging in the dirt together, playing golf together, playing the guitar, spiking your hair, pretend shaving, and spider man time! You two are my favorite two guys in the world!
I think you and Daddy get along so well because he's the youngest in his family too! You both love making a game out of anything and you always know how to make the little things, like eating ice cream, really fun!
When people are around you two, they can relax and know they will have fun!
You both are hams! And you enjoy being the center of attention. You love an audience...maybe you will be a preacher like Daddy too!
Even though you are the smallest, you don't let that stop you from trying new things. Nothing stops you! You are a bit mischievous at times, and my little monkey, climbing on furniture, on jungle gyms built for 12 year olds, climbing up stairs at 9 months old...oh my little man, the gray hairs have come from you for sure!!! But I love how you aren't afraid and continue to be curious.
Having an adventurous son means never a dull moment, not ever!
I love you to pieces, Marky, there's no one like you! And if all the children in the world were standing in one spot and I had to choose two children....I'd choose you and my Julia. You are the joy of my heart, Daddy and I are sooooo blessed!
To all the Moms and Dads out there who want to make their kids feel special read them these birth order type books, tell them their own special stories, and give lots of examples of why you love them so much and how there is no one like them!
Dr. Kevin Leman wrote the Birth Order book and also writes children's books about it!!!

My youngest little guy...there's No One Like You!
I love how different you are and how special you are.
You make me smile always. I love how you constantly love giving me hugs and still want me to hold you.
I love how you say, "Good Night Mom!" At bed time and give me a kiss.
Your arrival was super special because we had no idea we were having a little boy, and when you came out in the peaceful water birth, and we saw that beautiful red hair, we swooned over you!
And where as Julia slept so well right away and gladly went to anyone who wanted to hold were my loyal little guy who ONLY wanted mommy, even Daddy had a hard time winning you over, but he soon did!
I remember how that first night in the hospital you cried, and cried, and cried every time I put you down, you let me know, that you wanted to be with me at ALL times! By night number two, the nurses gave me a little break so mommy could rest!
You soon met your Best Friend Forever, Julia Star, and you two have your own little world.
You do just about anything Julia tells you to do, if she says let's play house, you play house, if she says let's ride bikes, you ride bikes, if she says lets play birthday party you happily sing along and pretend to blow out candles. You are so easy going and good natured!
And you and Daddy, because buddies! Digging in the dirt together, playing golf together, playing the guitar, spiking your hair, pretend shaving, and spider man time! You two are my favorite two guys in the world!
I think you and Daddy get along so well because he's the youngest in his family too! You both love making a game out of anything and you always know how to make the little things, like eating ice cream, really fun!
When people are around you two, they can relax and know they will have fun!
You both are hams! And you enjoy being the center of attention. You love an audience...maybe you will be a preacher like Daddy too!
Even though you are the smallest, you don't let that stop you from trying new things. Nothing stops you! You are a bit mischievous at times, and my little monkey, climbing on furniture, on jungle gyms built for 12 year olds, climbing up stairs at 9 months old...oh my little man, the gray hairs have come from you for sure!!! But I love how you aren't afraid and continue to be curious.
Having an adventurous son means never a dull moment, not ever!
I love you to pieces, Marky, there's no one like you! And if all the children in the world were standing in one spot and I had to choose two children....I'd choose you and my Julia. You are the joy of my heart, Daddy and I are sooooo blessed!
To all the Moms and Dads out there who want to make their kids feel special read them these birth order type books, tell them their own special stories, and give lots of examples of why you love them so much and how there is no one like them!
Dr. Kevin Leman wrote the Birth Order book and also writes children's books about it!!!
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I'm a happy new follower from Mingle With Us! Thank you for hosting!
This is an incredibly sweet post Kristi - had me in tears. One day when Mark reads this, he will be so blessed to know how exactly how special he is to his lovely Mama. Love the pics - especially the one with the Lambertsons!