On our recent women's retreat a few weeks back, Cammy, one of our speakers did an amazing Bible Study on Gideon in Judges Chapter 6-8. I had never read about this Gideon before, and I certainly didn't remember any Bible stories about him from when I was little. But apparently he was a bit of a, shall we say, a scaredy cat? In his defense, his enemy was starving his people and very numerous. His people were starving and God comes to talk to Gideon as he is hiding in a wine press (you know the place where they stomp the grapes to make wine) making bread (pressing wheat). And God doesn't say, hey you scaredy cat! He doesn't yell at him for hiding. He doesn't call him names.
How often do we let others put us down, and belittle us or call us names that are not true? We are loved. We are valuable. We are precious to God. He calls us fearfully and wonderfully made! (Julia just said her Bible verse Psalm 139:14 in Awana last night). We need to remember how He sees us and what He calls us, and no other names should matter or have any value. I want to see myself as God sees me. He has a bright future for me and has promised to work all things together for good to those that love Him. (Romans 8:28)
And if you read Judges chapter 7-8 you will find out that Gideon was indeed a Mighty Warrior and that God helps Him defeat the Midiannites as one man. Just like he promised He would do in Judges 6:16. God doesn't call us to do anything He isn't willing to see us through, He never will leave us or forsake us, we just need to trust Him and believe all that He says He will do!
What has God called you to do today?
Has He called you to be a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, a banker, a mother, a nursery worker, a secretary, a single parent, a wife?
Whatever He has called you to be He will give you strength enough for each day to accomplish it.
God doesn't call us demeaning names, He calls us lovingly as His dear children.

God says in Judges 6 vs. 12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."He calls Gideon a mighty warrior! I bet that shocked Gideon. To be called a mighty warrior as he is hiding from his enemies and afraid. But God called Gideon by what He saw Him to be. He knew what Gideon would come to do. He called Gideon by his rightful name.
How often do we let others put us down, and belittle us or call us names that are not true? We are loved. We are valuable. We are precious to God. He calls us fearfully and wonderfully made! (Julia just said her Bible verse Psalm 139:14 in Awana last night). We need to remember how He sees us and what He calls us, and no other names should matter or have any value. I want to see myself as God sees me. He has a bright future for me and has promised to work all things together for good to those that love Him. (Romans 8:28)
And if you read Judges chapter 7-8 you will find out that Gideon was indeed a Mighty Warrior and that God helps Him defeat the Midiannites as one man. Just like he promised He would do in Judges 6:16. God doesn't call us to do anything He isn't willing to see us through, He never will leave us or forsake us, we just need to trust Him and believe all that He says He will do!
What has God called you to do today?
Has He called you to be a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, a banker, a mother, a nursery worker, a secretary, a single parent, a wife?
Whatever He has called you to be He will give you strength enough for each day to accomplish it.
God doesn't call us demeaning names, He calls us lovingly as His dear children.
Jeremiah 31:3What are you, Mighty Warrior, called to do today?
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.
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