30 October 2013

Does Anyone Notice Me?

Wednesday Book Club

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."--Phyllis Diller

Oh, come on, you have felt this way as a mom!  You have wondered...does it matter if I even wear makeup? Does it matter if I put on an a dressy outfit?  Does it matter if I make a killer meal?  Does it matter if I decorate for Fall?  No one will notice!

Sometimes as a stay at home mom, or just a mom in general, it can feel that way.  We can feel unnoticed and not appreciated.  How often do we hear, "Mom this dinner was spectacular!"  or "Mom, I love what you did with your hair?" or "Did you decorate the house, or rearrange the living room, it looks extra nice?"  Especially if we have really young children, or a very busy spouse.  

In just the past few years Julia and Mark have started to say, "Mom, I like your outfit!"  or "Thanks mom, dinner is REALLY good!"  And let me tell you those comments melt me like butter.  Why?  Because I do care.  I do try to make them happy.  I do try to look nice.  I do try to whip up a great meal.  I do want them to notice.

Lysa Terkeurst says, " I wanted Art to affirm me, make me feel important and appreciate all that I do.  I wanted to be noticed and hear the acclaim of his pleasure in my job well done....but sometimes this reveals a heart problem."
If we are filled with Christ's love...our love tank should be full.  We shouldn't have this insatiable desire to be affirmed by anyone but Him.

Lysa said, "He doesn't care about me.  He doesn't love me.  He doesn't notice all I do."
She had spent the day decorating for the holidays and her husbands response was less than desirable, and instead of not making a big deal of it, she made a huge deal of it.  She put all her worth on his response and the poor guy didn't stand a chance.  Have you been there?  Have you set your expectations way too high for other people?  Oh, I have.  And then when my expectation isn't met, I can get downright depressed.

Basically this chapter talked about how we need to only let God fill us and not expect our husbands or our children to fill us up.  People all make mistakes.  We all fail.

"When you aren't depending on your husband to fill you up, then he can make mistakes and you are still ok.  He can say the wrong thing, and you can forgive him quickly.  He can struggle and question his direction, and you don't fall into despair.  He can be your partner and your friend because he doesn't have to be your Savior.  When you are living in the fullness of Christ, your children are being sloshed with His grace and tenderness...They can disappoint you and not bear the scars of your pride.  They can grow up to be vibrant, independent-thinking, loving adults because they did not have to be your Savior."
 I loved this quote.  So true.  So fitting.  Such a great reminder.

And to all you hard working mommies out there.  God notices all that you do.  He sees your labor.  He sees your sacrifice.  And nothing, not a thing, goes unnoticed.  Always remember that.


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