31 December 2013

My Favorite Daughter...Now 6

Who Said You Could Grow Up?

Once again, our Star Girl is having a birthday.  Last year we were able to take her to NYC to the American Girl Doll Store for the first time, to buy a new doll and have tea together.  This year we were able to see Annie on Broadway and have a fun Girl Day with Grandma Judy and Aunt Laurie.

Julia is our favorite daughter.  Well, she's our only daughter, of course, but let me tell you why she's our favorite.  I wouldn't trade her for all the world.  She is my right hand at home.  I can barely take a shower without her babysitting help of the boys.  She helps me pack the car when we have trips.  She makes sure everyone has their coat on, and you can always count on her to ask, "How can I help you?"

She is one of those people who have so much energy they make you dizzy.  She has an endless stream of questions.  Most of them deeper than any 5 year old would even think of, and usually about spiritual matters.  God has really blessed her in so many ways with her witty sense of humor, her nurturing abilities, her leadership skills, and her memory!  She memorized the New Testament books this year for Awana Clubs in TWO DAYS!  Honestly, I could brag about her all day, but my absolute favorite quality that Julia has is her tender heart, and her kindness.

When she was 3 1/2 on the way to Awana Clubs we were going over her Bible verses, talking about God, and about how sin makes our hearts dirty.  This was not a new topic or discussion, but as we talked more and more about it I think Julia started to see that since we all make mistakes, and since God is holy, He can't live in our hearts if we have dirty hearts...and He died on the cross so that He could clean our hearts and make us white as snow.  The next thing you know, as I pulled into a parking space Julia was asking me to pray with her to ask Jesus to live in her heart and make it clean...to which 2 year old Marky chimed in--"Me too!"

Ever since that talk, and the many ones after, I continue to see Julia seeking after the Lord, and really trying to understand the most she can about God.  It's amazing how we are all so thirsty for God, even at young ages.  And it shows you that parents can really guide their children and teach them from God's Word at very young ages.  I'm not saying Julia knows it all, or is perfect, we continue to work on self-control, and making good choices every day.  But I do see God working in her life and opening up her eyes to things that He is teaching her.

Julia has always been a great sister to Mark (Mark doesn't know what to do when she isn't around)...

I am so thankful that we have another baby in the house that she can "mother hen" again.  It is so beautiful to watch.  (Even when we tell her not to pick up Micah...I can see sometimes, she can't help herself, she is so in love with him)

Julia, my darling, you make us so incredibly proud everyday.  We love you just because you are Julia.  You bring us joy, you make us smile, you give the best hugs, (and back rubs!), you are such a great help to us, I am not sad that you are getting bigger, I am just so happy you are growing up to be such a wonderful little lady!  I get to see first hand all of the things you are learning and how God is growing you and stretching you each day.  You are wonderful, honey.  We love you so much.  You are our favorite daughter.  

Love, Mama and Daddy


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