This is definitely the year of making gifts for family and friends. In addition to buying store bought gifts it is always nice to bake brownies or cookies and add a little bit of "homemade" to your Christmas list! In an economy that has kept a lot of us strapped for is always nice to know you can still bring a smile to someone's face by creating something with your own two hands. We were recently blessed this year by a dear friend's handmade knitted hat for Julia (she knows who she is!) Julia wanted to wear it during breakfast she liked it so much!!!
This year I decided to make cookies, and brownies for all my neighbors. I have already started to deliver the packages and let me tell you what an easy way to connect with your neighbors and share the love of Christ during Christmas. Nothing says "I love you," more clearly than knowing someone was in their kitchen baking for you.
I will be delivering some more plates of yummy treats the rest of this week!!! I love being able to ring the doorbell and say, "Merry Christmas!"
My mother was notorious for doing the same thing. That is wonderful! And seeing two beautiful babies is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face as well.