We all have people in our life who mold us, change us, grow us, teach us, instruct us, and leave their mark on our life. It is amazing how one life can change another. Look at how much Jesus' life changed the world. One of the best things I love about living on this earth is the power to love people and make a difference in somebody's life. I love the quote "To the world you might just be someone, but to someone you might just be the world." These following people mean everything to me because I am a better human being just because I've known them and had them in my life.
1. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God you know how much you mean to me. You have given me eyes to see you and ears to hear your words. I am so thankful for godly parents who thought it important to teach me from your word and bring me to church. Thank you for a mother who took the time to pray with me. Thank you for coming to earth to be the ultimate servant so that we could serve you and know you with all our hearts. Because of you I know what love is and what forgiveness is. Thank you for your constant strength; you have allowed me to conquer my fears and be the woman of God you are calling me to be. I know I am not there just yet, but I know each day you are teaching me something new about myself that I can change through your strength and power and I know you are transforming me to be more like Jesus. Thank you for your strength.
2 Timothy 4:17 But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear...
2. My Mom. Mom you are a gift. Your words of encouragement, your kindness, your gentleness, your quiet speech. The way you are just present without being demanding or self seeking. Your helpfulness to me around the house, with the kids, in my life. I love when you text me hello and check in on me even though I am out of the house and married. The way you became a dear friend to me and allowed John and I our space as a married couple when we got married. You truly are an amazing woman. I know I tell you this often, but if I could be half the woman you are then I will be really great someday.
Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her.
3. My Dad. Dad you have been blessed with 4 women in your life. I love being your daughter. I love the way you taught us about sports, how to listen to lyrics and enjoy a song, how to write a short story, how to paint a picture. Everything you do has an artistic touch to it. You make me laugh and smile. You always do your best to protect your girls. And Dad my favorite part of you is you. There is just something about Dads and daughters that is unexplainable and special and I am just so happy to have my dad in my life loving me and being here for me.
Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their father.
4. John. My love, my dear best friend, my confidant, my biggest fan, my protector and provider of our family, wow, babe, I just love you. You are too kind and generous. You always go above and beyond just to see me smile. I will never forget our trip to Barcelona when you brought me to that fancy restaurant on New Year's eve and you saw me cry...I just couldn't get over how much you do for me and plan for me just to make a simple day a special one. Thank you my love...I love you so much and I like who you are inside and out!!! You are the godly leader I have always prayed for.
Song of Solomon 2:16 My beloved is mine, and I am his. He feeds his flock among the lilies.
5. Pam Zollner. Pam was such a mentor to me after college. Without her faithfulness and godly advice I would have headed down a wrong and lonely road. Thank you Pam for meeting me each week, opening up God's Word, giving me sound advice, and praying for me and John. You were so wise in all the things you said to me and taught me. I will never forget the sacrifice it was for you to meet with me each week after work. I really appreciated your time and love. You taught me a lot about how to mark verses in my Bible and how to study my Bible. Thank you for all the effort you put in. I know it was worth it because our prayers were answered.
Proverbs 24:6 For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.
6. Christy Weaver. Where do I even begin with Christy? She has been there for me from the most difficult time in a girl's life, the young teen years. As a youth group leader I looked up to Christy and admired her goodness and sweet ways. Her kindness and gentleness made you feel so comfortable and safe and I always just wanted to be near her. She always made me feel special and invited me into her home for fun girl nights. When she started her family she allowed me to babysit her children. This is when I learned how I wanted to manage my home in an organized and godly way. I took careful note of everything she did and really just wanted to be just like her. After I graduated from high school Christy still wrote to me in college and came to my plays since I was an education and theatre major. She always made me a priority in her life and always was a listening ear. I can remember sharing my feelings about John to her and just bawling on the phone and she just prayed with me and comforted me. Thank you Christy for your actions which always spoke volumes to me. And now that your Luke is almost a senior in high school and I am starting my own family I still feel so comfortable to go to you with any issue, whether it be breastfeeding, or diaper rashes, or disciplining a naughty child or organizing a cupboard. You are just my forever mentor, and forever friend. I love you dearly.
Philippians 1:3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
7. Dr. Hartzler. The moment I sat in your class that fall afternoon at the Teacher Convention I knew I wanted to go wherever you taught and listen to more lectures from you. Dr. H you are filled with such godly wisdom, and not only that, but you are a wonderful father of five who weaves the stories of your own life and children and connects to the student and touches our hearts. I am a changed woman because of you. You taught me that sin has no comfortable place in my life. Especially as a teacher who is out to be an example to others. I love the quote you taught us every summer, "Changed lives changing lives." There are so many Caleb stories that I still think about and laugh about and they are such great reminders of my time away at grad school totally focused on the Lord and my studies. BBC was an oasis for me. The first summer there I was newly engaged, the second summer I was counting down the days to my wedding and the third and final summer I was about to celebrate my first year of marriage! I am so thankful that God put you in my life so that I could really get serious about my walk with the Lord, and really get even more excited than I already was to teach young people!
Philippians 2: 13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
8. Christy H. Hello Christy, this is Kristi! Does that ring a bell my kindred, bossom friend? I loved singing musicals with you in aftercare at Timothy Christian School. God put us together Christy. We both needed eachother at the same time for different reasons. I am sooooooo thankful that you were the 5th grade teacher down the Hall! I am so thankful you brought me to my first scrapbooking show, and how you got me into Longaberger baskets! Christy you have been one of those friends that I can totally laught my head off with and completely cry my eyes out with. We both are sensitive and dramatic and that's what makes our friendship so great...I just love you Christy, really, really, love you! After we are done hanging out, I miss you already! Thank you for always pushing me to do the hard thing. Thank you for always speaking the truth in love. You have helped me be so brave in so many areas of my life with so many people I love. You have taught me how to find my voice and listen to my heart of hearts. Thank you for being such a godly sister in Christ to me. I miss you!
Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times...
9. Debi Hech. Debi, do you remember when I called you that day several years back and told you that I felt God was leading me to ask you to pray with me? I am so glad that I listened and that you said yes! Since then, we have met and done so many Bible studies and prayer times together. What an encouragement you have been to me. I loved when we did the Stormie O'Martin book together The Praying Wife...it was so great to meet each week and pray for our husbands together, and weird since they are both John's and we would always get confused! LOL Thank you for working around my hectic schedule these days and allowing Julia and Mark to always tag along, whether we prayed while pushing a stroller, or prayed while feeding Mark, or did a Beth Moore Bible Study of Esther while I was having contractions with Mark...and ended up having him that day! We have grown so close that it really does feel like we are family. Of course we are related because we are sisters in Christ, but it really feels like we are blood related! Thank you for letting me share my heart to you and for praying for my family. I have grown to love every member of your family as if they are my own because it is true that when you pray for someone again and again God fills you with this indescribable love for that person. You are a wonderful example of the body of Christ. I'm so excited for our Janurary study to begin!!!
Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
10. My children. I know Julia and Mark are two people, but since they are both young, both of them at this point have really taught me very similar things. My children have taught me, I'm sorry to say, how selfish I am. You don't realize how selfish you are until you have kids because your entire world gets rocked. Before when it was just John and I it was all about what we wanted to do. We could come and go as we pleased. We could take naps, sleep in, although we rarely did, but life is just so different. Now, I am realizing how much of a servant being a parent is and it is a wonderful, rewarding thing, but because I am a sinner, sometimes I really struggle with having all of my freedom taken away. But, I would not trade one day without them, and even when someone else is watching one of my kids, I miss them and think of them and worry about them. I can't imagine not having them in my life. As much as I miss sleeping through the night, I wake up in the middle of the night if it is too quiet. I turn up the monitor so I can see Mark and hear him breathe in and out. I am soooooooo thankful for my daughter Julia and my son Mark, and God is teaching me that life is not about Kristi Anne McInerney, it is all about Jesus!!! I am learning to be a servant for my family because I love them and I want them to look back and say, "Wow, mom really made life wonderful for us!" Thank you Julia and Mark for being born and for teaching me what life is really all about...I much rather focus on serving you and my Savior than on myself!
Philippians 3: 12-14 (My life verses) Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
So beautiful, Kristi. I love how you share your heart and how evident it is that you love Jesus and you want to live for Him. Love you.
ReplyDeleteI am overwhelmed by the Christian maturity you exhibit in your life. I praise God for your love for Him and your desire to continue living for Him and loving your family for Him.
You and John are both so very blessed. You have each other and two beautiful children. Together with the Lord, little else is needed for happiness and joy.
Wow! You grew up so fast and now look at you--a wonderful Godly and expressive women! I'm thankful to know you and to be a very small part in your life. I am thankful for our friendship.
God bless all that you do which brings glory to Himself!
Merry Christmas to you and John, Julia and Mark!
Love you!
Pam Zollner
ReplyDeleteVery beautifully written, incredible sentiments. You have become a beautiful woman in so many ways and aspects. Most importantly, as a woman of of Lord. You have made me proud to have you as a daughter and friend.