This is one of my favorite Christmas photos of Julia. We were searching for just the right tree at a farm in East Brunswick and she was so joyful! She ran around the farm saying, "I'm running!" and had a blast with all the freedom we gave her. Of course this was before I read the sign on the door that said, "Rule #1 No running anywhere." (oops)
Isn't it great how children know how to rejoice and show utter happiness without feeling the least bit timid or embarrassed? I love seeing Julia and Mark show their joy!
One of my favorite Camp Cherith songs was "Rejoice in the Lord always!" We would sing it in rounds and it was so pretty...Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say Rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord always again I say Rejoice! Rejoice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice! Rejoice, Rejoice, again I say Rejoice!!!
Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!"
Saul, the Jewish man who persecuted all the Christians and then had that divine meeting with Jesus when God said, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Saul turns to Paul who ends up having an amazing ministry and becomes the writer of many of our New Testament books. Paul, the man who persecuted becomes the man who is persecuted and lands in jail for preaching the good news. Paul is telling the church of Philipi to rejoice in the Lord always! I can't imagine being thrown in prison with barely any food, chained to a Roman guard, being beaten and still being able to say Rejoice! It's all because of Jesus! Paul had Jesus and that is why he was able to Rejoice in any situation, I say it again, Rejoice!!!
Today I am rejoicing because....
There is beautiful white snow on the ground!
John put my SUV in the garage so it is clean and dry!
My children are getting better!
I have a house to keep me warm!
I have friends coming over tonight to watch a silly movie and have pizza with!
My family loves and supports me!
Tuesday Sara is coming over to help me with the kids!
I'm holding a fresh cup of hot coffee! MMMMMM
The kids are watching Veggie Tales as I type...and loving every minute!
Julia shares with her brother, and adores him!
John loves me!
I have Jesus!
Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say Rejoice!
What a wonderful post! There are so many reasons to rejoice.