"Be a Missionary Helper, praying everyday, Be a Missionary Helper our dollars go God's Way....winning precious souls to Jesus our hearts are all a glow to be a Missionary Helper...Pray! Give! Go!"
(This was a song we sang with our students during my missionary update chapels at Timothy. It goes to the tune of "I've been working on the railroad")
Christianne, Grant, and baby Judah (who is now 16 months old) are missionaries that we support and dearly love. I grew up with Christianne at my church back in the 80s. Her father, Pastor Felo used to be our associate Pastor before going over seas to do mission work.
Christianne and Grant met each other overseas on the mission field as well. They were both in Afghanistan. They are both dynamic people and very much in love with Jesus. I think it is hard for them to be in the states right now raising their family and seeking to do God's work here because they are so used to serving God is such dangerous settings.
I know God is teaching them patience and faithfulness. I am praying that He makes it very clear to them what His plan is for their lives. They are really trying to reach out to their neighbors in Philadelphia and Grant is working for a Missions Organization right now as an HR manager. It is neat how having Judah has opened up a lot of doors for them to meet new people. Kids have an amazing way of doing that. You don't seem very intimidating with a baby in your arms!
They have taught me that you don't have to go overseas to be a missionary. You just have to be willing to share Jesus with the people who are in your sphere of influence. Whether that is at a book club, or a MOPS meeting, Dunkin Donuts, or your grocery store. Wherever there are people there is a ministry.
I have been praying for these two Latin girls at the farmers market. I go there so often that they have come to know me and my kids on a first name basis. Julia is always saying hi to them and introducing her brother Mark to them and her mommy! (She is my little witnessing ticket!)
Jesus, help me to be a missionary helper. I don't have to go very far to meet people who need you. Help me to be bold and willing to share all the great things you have done for me, and all the things you have changed in me. Thank you for Christianne and Grant and their son Judah. Help them to be a strong witness in their neighborhood. I pray you put people in their path that are searching for you. I pray that you allow them to speak your truth in love. Thank you for allowing us to be missionaries and to support missionaries.
It is so nice to see a familiar face from long ago.