Last year we started another Family/Weaver tradition after Thanksgiving and that is spending time with our favorite people in the world on "Black Friday".
I am so excited this year to be with Bill, Christy, Luke, Bridget, and Ben because we are exchanging our Christmas gifts during the visit. The kids and Christy helped me with my "great idea." I wanted to get them a family gift that they could all enjoy...so I decided to make them a Movie Night Basket!!!
I love making themed baskets. My bosom friend Christy B. did this at her rehearsal dinner for her in-laws and family and it was so thoughtful and so creative. I could tell that she put a lot of effort into tailoring the baskets to fit each person. This inspired me to do the same for the people I love as well.
So I called Christy W. and asked her for some movie ideas for the kids, and then I secretly fb (facebooked) the two eldest Weaver kids with questions about their fav moive snacks/candy/cookies...then Julia and I had a "girl-outing" and went to WalMart! It was so fun!!! (Of course Julia was looking for Barney videos.)
It will be so cool to see the look on their faces as they see all the fun goodies in the basket. You can't go wrong with a gift when it is filled with "favorites".
Well, in less than 4 days we will be with them...I can't wait! I will be sure to post pics of our visit! Oh, did I mention that Christy is making a Thanksgiving dinner? Her family will be away on Thanksgiving at a baseball museum since the kids are off from school all week, so they are celebrating their Thanksgiving with us! Two Thanksgivings dinners in one week, John will be in all his glory!!!
Thank you Lord for dear friends like the Weavers who are our Eternal friends and family. We get to share not only family time with them, but share our love for you as well. Thank you for the people that you have placed in our life to grow us, stretch us, teach us, and love us.
Give them our love. What a great gift idea! I'm sure they will love it!