Psalm 92:1-2
It is good to say, "Thank you" to the Lord, to sing praises to the God who is above all gods. Every morning tell him, "Thank you for your kindness," and every evening rejoice in all his faithfulness.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for all your acts of "kindness" yesterday during our first Thanksgiving with Mark and Julia and my family!
1. Thank you that every part of the meal was served hot and on time!
Mom was such a blessing yesterday, on a last minutes notice she came over earlier than expected to help me with the kids and helped me finish making the stuffing and gravy. She brought over not only the green beans and beans but some unexpected corn muffins that was mainly what Julia ate at dinner!
2. Thank you that even though John came down with a throat infection he still was very hands on with the meal and helped out tremendously! John and I got an idea from my Martha Stewart Magazine to butterfly our turkey this year. John cut the turkey up after it was totally thawed and tied and seasoned it to perfection. A 13lb turkey only took 2 and 1/2 hours to cook this way and it came out so juicy and delicious!!! John did a fantabulous job (yup, I just made up a word!)
3. Thank you that all my sisters were there and were so helpful. Sara came over by 1:30 to help play with Julia and Mark while I cleaned and cooked and Paletza was absolutely wonderful with the kids after dinner so that I was able to do a lot of the cleaning up before dessert.
4. Thank you for the best two parents a girl could ask for. My mom is absolutely my number one fan and she was so hands-on and helpful and encouraging. Throughout the meal she just kept saying how good everything was, she is the only person to always do this and I really need her encouragement. My dad helped carve the turkey and ham when they came out of the oven and he didn't demand to help or take over he just was so gracious and available if we needed him. I so appreciated that. My parents really know how to be the guests, they don't try to take over anything...I'm truly thankful for their wonderful personalities.
5. The kids were well behaved, good eaters, and wonderful entertainment and delight for us. Another blog will feature our kid outtakes and stories...we had such a great and fun filled day which was so sunny and perfect. Julia took a nap between 10-12 and Mark did too so we were able to get the table set and the meats seasoned and put in the oven while they slept. During dinner Julia did her best to try the food we put in front of her, but my mom's corn muffin was a huge hit! Thanks Mom! Mark did so well with being passed around to everyone, even though he did watch me like a hawk and turn his head to follow my voice (my little mama's boy). Julia entertained us with all her new sayings and words, and John had her reading for everyone the words she knows (He is such a proud daddy!)
6. Thank you that everyone was relaxed and enjoyed themselves. After everyone ate dinner and helped clean up we put PJs on the kids and just played and talked. It was so comfortable and relaxing.
7. Thank you that when everyone went home it was still early so that the kids were in bed, but John and I had some wonderful couple bonding/talking time. John and I talked to eachother face to face with no interruptions until 11:30 last night. We really needed that "face" time of just sharing our hearts and feelings and connecting. You forget that you don't do this that much once the kids come because you are pulled into so many tyranny of the urgents. I realized how lucky and blessed I am all over again to have a husband who loves God and puts God first and really really loves me with all his heart. It is something I can't even explain in plain words, but when our eyes meet and he tells me his heart it just makes an ordinary Thanksgiving evening the best one yet...
I am so glad that your Thanksgiving went so well. Have a great weekend.