Pastor Steve gave us a homework assignment this past Sunday. For all of you who know me this was awesome! I love homework! I know I am weird but I just love doing assignments. We had to write down one or two things that we could thank God for according to the letters in the alphabet and then share our list on Thanksgiving. Here goes:
A Awesome waterbirth experience with Mark
B Books to read and enjoy in my Blue reading room
C Cinzia (my best friend since 6th grade) and our children growing up together, Christy B's love, godly wisdom, awesome friendship and laughter
D Dimare's (my doula and godparents of Mark), Debi my prayer partner and dear friend
E Entertaining people I love
F Faithful husband, family, friends
G God's constant provision, Paletza, Parents
H Hardworking husband, Healthy children (we prayed a lot for that during my pregnancy)
I In-laws
J Julia and John
K Kind people at MOPs who watch my children
L Ladouceur family (especially you Suzie), Library time with Julia, Liz and the kids
M Mark, Movie nights with friends and family, MOPS
N Neighbors who look out for us and are always willing to lend a helping hand
O Opportunities to serve others
P Paris our puppy, Party Gym where Julia gets to jump and play, playdates
Q Questions Julia asks me, I'm thankful for a bright daughter
R Reconnecting with friends like Bianca, Rayna, and Suzette (huge blessings in my life) Retreat with godly women at my church on Sept 27th
S Sisters, Shelter, Speaking in Chapel at TCS
T Thanksgiving dinner with my family
U Understanding spouse
V Vacations to Cape May and around the world, vehicles that are safe to drive
W worship in freedom, Weavers (our mentors and godparents of Julia), Word of God
X Extra grace from my husband (I am an EGR person...Extra Grace Required)
Y Yellow sunshine!!! So thankful for sunny days outside in our yard!
Z Zippers! They make a mommies life so much easier than snaps! :)
Psalm 100:4
Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
Dear Jesus,
I am so thankful for all you surround me with, even life's difficulties. You are molding and shaping me into the woman, wife, mother, and friend that you want me to be. I pray that I can bless others the way you bless me each day! I love you Jesus!
What a great idea! I was thinking of redoing a thankful post I had done over the summer. Do you mind if I use your idea instead?
ReplyDeletei'm thankful for you too!! i am totally going to do this! i love it!
ReplyDeleteplease do!!