Well, as tonight comes to a close I feel very confident and ready for tomorrow. I was able to give both kids a bath tonight (usually I just do Julia on Wed...bathing 2 in one evening is very taxing, since when I bathe Mark I have to keep an eye out for Julia who likes to "get into" things). Thank you Lord for giving me the strength! It feels good knowing both the kids are clean and will be fresh for tomorrow's company.
Yesterday I was able to clean all three bathrooms and finish up the laundry. While making several trips to the grocery store. It's amazing how many little things you need to remember when company is coming over (I like to get everyone's favorites and some special things we don't usually have, like my dad loves ginger ale, my mom drinks Sprite, and John loves cranberry juice during holiday meals...I even picked up some apple cider, if you heat it up it tastes really good!)
Today was exciting for me because I got to pick up our Christmas portraits and mailing cards! It's been 2 weeks since our photo shoot and I couldn't wait to finally see the pics...they came out so good! Julia and Mark are just too cute!
Today in Shop Rite after picking up the photos, it was just Mark and I, and as I was reaching for a can of soup and an older woman started talking to Mark, she looks at me and says..."Are you the mom?" I said "Yup!" "How old is he?" she asked "Six months." "You did good!" she said with a smile. "Thank you!" I laughed...it reminded me of a moment I had a few years ago (Our first year on Joyce Street) on Thanksgiving with John's 7 year old cousin Matthew. We were sitting around the dinner table and he looked all around our house (he couldn't get over the track lights in the living room ceiling), and said, "This house is good!" We all laughed. It was so cute the way he said it so grown up and matter of factly!
Yes...we did good, and our house is good...Thank you Lord, you are too, too good to us!!!
I was able to just finish up 4 batches of chocolate chip cookies to go along with our pies at dessert. I finished stuffing envelopes for our Christmas mailings. And now I am enjoying some Decaf French Vanilla Tea, my fav, while John eats dinner. I thought this year I would be really stressed with two kids and hosting Thanksgiving, but for some reason I really feel ready, and looking forward to being with my family.
We made place settings for my Mom, Dad, Paletza (Pia), and Sara. I used all different scrapbook paper and cut out rectangles about 3 by 5 size. And each person got 5 pieces of paper attached with a gold ribbon. The first page is their name and then each following page is from me, John, Julia and Mark, and we are telling them what we are thankful for about them. It was fun coming up with something to say for the kids for my family members and of course John and I wrote our own things we were thankful for...like for Sara John wrote that he was thankful that she is so supportive of me and helpful to me. Julia got to color on each one over what I wrote for her. She loved having a little assignment from mommy, actually, she just loved drawing! I got the idea while taking a shower earlier in the week...go figure! I guess you can get good ideas just about anywhere...okay well, now I am rambling so I better say goodbye! I can't wait to post pics and tell you about our first Thanksgiving with both of our children! I am so thankful for my family!
God you are so good!
I was thinking about you today and praying for you as you were getting ready for tomorrow. I was going to write to you and ask how everything was going, and then I checked your blog! Your picture is beautiful! You are a truly beautiful family! Love you.