My Sweet Six Month Old
I can't believe I spent even one second worrying about this fourth pregnancy. Now that Amelia is here we cannot imagine one moment without her big blue eyes, chubby cheeks, ropy poly thighs or sweet lips.
From the top of her silky brown hair, to the bottom of her sweet pudgy toes, she completes Team Mac in every way! She is Julia's bookend. She is Daddy's girl. She is the apple of big brother Mark's eyes (all future love interests watch out!). And Micah's playmate, I'm sure Micah and Mia will grow up twin-like the way Julia and Mark are. And Amelia is my sweet sweet baby love. Words don't begin to explain the joy she brings to my heart.
I love that she can play, sit up, coo, eat, and really communicate what she wants. Six months is such a big month for babies. And it's a big month for mommies too. I feel such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. We survived the newborn phase. We are sleeping through the night. The kids are enjoying her as much as we are, and she is just one of us now, instead of this new, demanding little person, she is now officially a Mac-nugget.
You can see how much she resembles Julia (which I love) and I can tell that Julia is going to be such a great big sister. She isn't jealous of Amelia at all (Julia knows that she is my favorite first born daughter) and (Amelia will know she is my favorite last born daughter). These two will grow up giggling together, shopping together, sharing together, and playing in each other's rooms. I'm so excited for these next few months when she will start crawling and can just go right next door to see what Julia is up to!
And let's be honest...
With this face....
Thank goodness she has TWO BIG BROTHERS who will most certainly have martial arts training in preparation for the "dating years."
Oh gosh...
I don't even want to think about "the dating years yet"...
I'm totally content with these fun baby years!
Happy Birthday baby a few short months we will be celebrating 1 year, and you will experience...CAKE!