05 May 2009


May 5, 2009

Today was so rainy and dreary...we had Ladies Bible Study from 9:30-11:30. Julia had fun playing with Jaclyn in the nursery while the Haines girls took care of them. Julia is such a happy go lucky kid, she doesn't cry when I leave or anything, just plays with whoever is ready and willing. It makes going places much easier.

Then we went to Baby Gap and Salsaritas's for some Latin American food, I mean it is Cinco de Mayo!!! We had some soft tacos and freshly made chips and salsa....well that's what John and I ate, Julia was happy with a peach yogurt!

Then Julia and I played some downstairs and she took her 2:00 nap. John left for work and I napped and watched the movie The Vanishing with Sandra Bullock. At 3:15 I woke up Julia so that we could get ready to go to Debi's house for our prayer time. I had to stop at CVS to get some wrapping paper for Alice's wedding gifts, Debi was hiding them for me.

We got to Debi's at 4pm and stayed til 6pm...Eric was there and it was fun to see him interact with Julia...he says she looks just like her daddy, which is true.

Then I headed to AP and this was one of the highlights of my day, at the register the woman and I were talking about kids and how she has twins and how she didn't start to enjoy motherhood til they were 3 (jeez louise I thought) I told her that the Lord would help me. I told her that I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and she said, wow you are tiny!!! I haven't been called tiny in a LONG time...so it made my day....now granted she was pregnant with twins at one point and was probably a lot bigger than me and so comparatively I am tiny, but in reality I feel like the mother of all HIPPOS! LOL

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