15 March 2011

Building Better Relationships Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Learning to Listen

I always thought of myself as a good listener...until I started to listen to myself talk on the phone to a friend....sad, very sad.  I couldn't wait to put my two cents in, share my experience, and give my advice.  See a pattern?  It was about me!  Was I really listening to my friend, or was I simply waiting for the next free minute to JUMP in with my words?

This chapter gave me some really cool insight on how important it is to listen with our whole body.  Sometimes when we listen this way we learn a lot not only about ourselves but the person who is sharing.  And when we listen with our whole bodies we can be a better friend, a better listener, and we can help someone else instead of focusing on ourselves.

The next time you are on the phone with a friend, before you interject, ask three questions (obviously you can ask more than three) about their situation before you start to share your own story.  It may be easy for you or difficult but it is a great discipline to learn.

James 1:19 says, "19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20."  I think all of our relationships would be improved if we heed these words!!!

1 comment:

  1. God brought this post to mind today and I was able to catch myself from jumping in as a friend was sharing! Thanks for the practical application idea to help us build better relationships. This is good stuff Kristi. I so appreciate learning along with you as you study and grow. <3 Christy


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