11 July 2012


Vacation Bible School 

 This week is VBS!  Julia is in the 3-5 year old class (God bless her teachers...they have a big group too).  And Marky and I are helping in the nursery.

Our theme is SKY: All things are possible with God!

The songs and skits are my FAVORITE part.  I brought our little ones out at the end to listen to the songs and watch the skit.

Julia is loving being with all of her friends, especially Madison and Melanee, they are her buddies from Awana and she LOVES them.

Thank you Lord for special weeks like this where we can learn more about you with our friends, in a fun way!  VBS is awesome!

Marky taking it all in.

The little girl standing up...my Julia...she loved the skit.

1 comment:

  1. Our kiddos went to the same VBS and we've already worn out our cd. :) I love the way those songs sneak the truth into all our hearts. Silas knows every single word. (And he was too young to attend!)


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