Cape May & Lancaster 2012
This year our vacation was awesome! Can you believe it was only 4 days? But it was 4 great days of spending time together as a family. Julia and Mark are at the perfect age for enjoying life and exploring and not being afraid or timid around new places or people. The kids loved the beach and the pool at Cape May, and we took them to a special restaurant to celebrate our 9 years of marriage: The Lobster House...known for excellent seafood! I wish I was feeling better because I ate about two bites of my lobster and scallop dish and I know I missed out. Good thing John was able to enjoy his crab cakes. The kids enjoyed chocolate milk and burger and fries, and mark had noodles and sauce.

We got the kids their very first pets (Paris was here before they were born so unfortunately she doesn't count). Hermit Crabs! Julia named hers Summer (isn't that a perfect name? She came up with that all on her own) and Mark's was actually red with spider man markings and so he named his Spider Man. And wouldn't you know? Summer is wild and adventurous and always out of her shell (hmmm, sound familiar) and Mark's hermit crab is quiet, shy, and rarely ever comes out, in fact we thought he had died! But he is just super calm and mellow, just like Marky!
We headed to Lancaster on Thursday...Thursday was a difficult day for us. I was feeling awful. And we had a 4 hour car ride there because of traffic and a business call. We were all anxious to get out of the car. But by the time we got to our awesome hotel with an indoor and an outdoor pool, all was forgiven and our little fish were happily swimming non stop!
At Lancaster the next morning we went to a restaurant that served crepes! Then we swam some more and for lunch headed to an outdoor market of awesome amish vendors and food. We got root beer, apple cider, home made donuts, pasta, fresh lunch meat and cheese and amish bread for sandwiches. Everything was delicious.
I bought my Julia a sunflower at the market because she is the sunshine of my life!
The kids napped a bit as we pushed them in their strollers and we headed back to the hotel for some more rest and pool time. After the pool we headed to our favorite Amish spot the Good & Plenty.
What we love about this place is you sit with strangers share a home style meal together, and leave best friends. The kids loved the place it really felt homey and comfortable and was plenty noisy. The food was good and the company was great. Friday was a great day.
Saturday we headed to Dutch Wonderland where every kid gets to be a kid! I'm talking bumper cars, kettle popcorn, rollercoasters, face painting and real live princesses.
And although I was not up for any rides, I stood watch and took pictures while John spoiled the kids rotten on every ride. He was Father of the Year on this vacation, let me tell you!
And the best part was...
When we drove home on Saturday I had a craving for Olive Garden salad...and my husband brought us there. I had three bowls of good!
We had a great family vacation. Can't wait to see what next summer will bring!
***Tomorrow I'm posting my September Menu...thanks to Jamie and her hubby for inspiring me to keep posting my menus!