11 April 2012

We will not compare ourselves...

Galatians 5:26 We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse.  We have far more interesting things to do with our lives.  Each of us is an original.--The Message

Let us not become boastful challenging one another, envying one another. --Galatians 5:26 NASB In my Bible study on Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity we talk about how women constantly compare each other...and I've seen it right before my very eyes in my own home.

Beth Moore calls this bad math approach.  Because once we start comparing ourselves to others we WILL find things that are better (and worse) in that person...but why do we start adding or subtracting from ourselves?  Just because someone else is more attractive or a better cook, does NOT mean that we are then horrible. 

Or as Beth Moore puts it "If she is this + I am that = I'm a loser"  She says, "We can esteem another woman's achievements without feeling like an idiot.  We can admire another woman's terrific shape without feeling like a slob.  Where on earth did we come up with the idea that we have to subtract value from ourselves in order to give credit to someone else?  You see, it's our insecurity that makes us so poor at math.  It constantly leads us to draw the wrong conclusions."

I love that we can think highly of another woman without thinking bad about ourselves.  I am already getting the hang of this notion...and I'm happily teaching it (in small doses of course) to my Julia.  Comparing ourselves to others is a poison...one I will not drink from or partake in.  I am confident in the woman God has made me...flaws and all...He is still perfecting me and working on me...I'm not finished yet people!!!

Whenever I start to feel a tinge of insecurity because of comparing myself to others, I repeat, "I am clothed with STRENGTH and DIGNITY" over and over.

My security is mine to keep.

God gave it to me.

No one gets to take it from me!


  1. "I am clothed with STRENGTH and DIGNITY" was one of my biggest takeaways from her book! Isn't it great for keeping our minds on the truth? Powerful post Kristi; I am always appreciative of what you share! xoxoxo C

  2. I need to stop comparing myself to others. This is certainly an inspiring message. I don't have a daughter, but I have 19 ten-year-old girls that I teach everyday. I would like to think that I'm showing them that it's okay to be smart and confident without being shallow and gossipy!

  3. Wonderfully put! This is a lesson that God has been teaching a lot of women lately. I've either heard it or seen it posted on FB. Love you for the wonderful woman God made you to be!

  4. Thank you for all of your sweet comments. You all made my day!

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