27 April 2012

My Awana Girl

Thank You Miss Kathy

I want to take a minute to thank all the Awana helpers and leaders out there!

Awana stays for A Workman Approved will not be Ashamed.  It's a great bible class for kids that teaches the kids how to memorize scripture and hide it in their hearts.  They have a blast each week going to class, playing with friends, practicing their verses, learning new Bible stories, coloring, and playing games!!

Kathy P. class has about 10 helpers!!! Okay, maybe 5 or 6 but it is so great she has so much help because about 15 kids show up each Thursday to learn more about Jesus.

This past Thursday was our final awards assembly, the kids got their awards, sang songs, and watched the older kids get their awards.  It was great to see family members come, aunts and grandparents support the little people in their lives.

Julia was on stage when she saw Aunt Sara and Grandma Donna sitting with us in the audience and she stopped and waved and said, "Hi grandma Donna!!!"  It was priceless.  The Awana Cubbies stole the show...they are so cute.  Who can blame them?

And guess what?  Next year...a very handsome little brother will be 3 and he will be in big sister's class!!!

Praising God for the little people in my life...My daughter Julia...I am so proud of her...and my son Mark, so proud of him too.

And when Julia gets older and starts to ask me, "Mom, when did I accept Jesus as my Savior?"  I will be able to say, "It was a Thursday in October on our way to Awana that you told me you wanted a clean heart so Jesus could live inside."  Awana has meant so much to our family.  It is an excellent program that teaches kids the Good News!!!


  1. We love Awana! My daughter doesn't get to go very often, but when she does she learns so much. I have kids in my preschool that go too. They amaze me with the verses they can remember. Your daughter sounds like such a blessing. How proud you must be to have a daughter that is full of God's love! New follower from the Blog Hop.

  2. AWANA sounds awesome. So glad Julia loved it! xoxo C


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