28 August 2013

Tales/Woes of a Perfectionistic Mom

You know the type: organized, list maker, kids wearing matching/coordinated outfits, house smells like apple pie, floors glisten in the sunlight, all ducks are in a row...you know this mom-- I know you do.

I aspire to be this mom.  Her children call her blessed.  Her husband sings her his praises. I want to be Betty Crocker, Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray.  The do it all type of mom who doesn't forget anything and accomplishes everything.  As I type the very words I see how impossible this can be, but it does not stop me from wanting to achieve it.  I get so caught up in the Super Mom ideal that I get really discouraged when I can't.

But lately (like the past 6 months) I've been realizing that not only is there no way I can do it all or be it all but that I know I physically can not keep up with things the way I used to before.  Yes, I now have three kids and I homeschool, but that doesn't mean I'm not expected to also have a clean home, healthy meals, stay in shape, volunteer at church, and visit with the extended family, not to mention sports and extracurricular social things we do.

I think that is why I am loving the new mom-devotional I am doing entitled, "Am I Messing Up My Kids: And other questions every mom asks"  It is really putting things into perspective for me about motherhood, and just truly letting Jesus meet your needs and fill  you up so that you as a mom can be ready to pour into the little lives in your home.

So, no I am no Martha Stewart, but you know what that is okay, because in this moment being Kristi Mac is enough.  God knew who I would turn out to be.  He entrusted me with my family.  And I am going to focus on being thankful and flexible, and not being perfect!

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