And Then There Was Love...
Cleo is my cousin! She is 24 years old and married to Daniel, and they have a beautiful baby girl Luna. Cleo and Daniel graciously did my marriage interview. I love their perspective because they met at a young age and yet are both very strong, determined, and mature.
Here is their love story...
Where did you two meet?
1. (daniel) well, we met at a very young age. She was 13 and I was 15. Imagine the heat I got for that.
Who approached who first?
2. (daniel) I saw her first, said hello, and ran straight to my older brother and said "WHO IS THAT?!"
(cleo) We met at our brothers' apartment, they were roommates at the time. We had our first conversation while watching a movie, I think we "approached" each other.
Who was more talkative...who was shy?
3. (daniel) Me... Spoke. Her.. Shy. LOL.
(cleo) I don't remember being particularly shy, but I guess I would be the shy one.
When was your first date?
4. (cleo) The same night haha. The movie we were watching has always been regarded as our first date movie. It was "Wrong Turn." We had a great time and we always talk about how that's "our" movie
(Cleo leaves interview to go attend to our crying baby. lol)
When did you know that she was the one? and vice versa?
5. (Daniel) I thought she was the one when i saw her, but realized it after the trials and trials and trials and tribulations and tribulations and... you get the point.
(Cleo) Danny and I clicked SOOOO well right from the beginning, I realize now as an adult that I took that kind of connection as a given. I've never even remotely had that kind of spark with anyone I've ever met (platonically or romantically).
How did Daniel propose?
6. (Cleo) HAHAHA. Well, we had a marriage discussion. I was 18 at the time and I made it pretty clear that I was done being his girlfriend, and he agreed. But after that I did get an official proposal too: I came out of the bathroom and Danny was right there on one knee with my ring...I snatched it and ran lol. It was a total surprise because I picked out the ring and we were waiting for it to be sized; I expected it to be ready by the end of the week but I guess they called danny and told him it was done early so he blindfolded me and I spent an hour and a half in the car wondering why in the world he was being so ridiculous. When we got to the house I went to the restroom and when I came out there he was!
(daniel) notice she said SHE picked out the ring. So spoiled.
What do you remember about the wedding? Was anything unexpected?
7. (cleo) The wedding was incredible, we had such a fun time. Nothing particularly unexpected happened but it was a day to remember for sure. I was 2 hours late, I guess no one expected that lol.
(daniel) My favorite part was seeing her walk alongside the lake to me. It was like i never saw her before. She was the prettiest I have ever seen her... before and still to this day. LOL.
What do you love about your spouse?
8. (cleo) Danny is hilarious, super kind, and uncontrollably giving.
9. (daniel) Cleo's best trait would be being a great mother.
What is your marriage success secret?
10. (daniel) If I tell you our secret, it won't be a secret anymore!. lol
(cleo) a happy wife equals a happy life lol. also, you have to learn to communicate. and never stop laughing together.
How do you deal with disagreements?
11. (daniel) well first she calmly asks me to lower my voice... after I let go of my ego I listen and just take it slow to hear her out.
(cleo) think and speak with God's wisdom. LISTEN. and consider that maybe you're wrong.
How do you divide house work?
12. (cleo) yep. straight down the middle. we both work at home so we're both making messes lol.
Where have you traveled to?
13. (daniel) Jamaica for honey moon. LA for a Laker game, which was the best day of my life besides the wedding day... (smirks). London was amazing! Saw a Laker game there too. Vegas was super fun because cleo never parties but OOHHH HHOOWWW she did in vegas.
(cleo) Jamaica and London were both extra special and fun. We definitely know how to vacation.
What is your favorite part about being married?
14. (daniel) Two checks is always better than one!
(Cleo) Funny guy. My favorite part of being married is the feeling of freedom that it allows me.
Where do you hope to travel to?
15. (daniel) Tokyo, can't wait to go!
(Cleo) Somewhere in Africa, we love to experience other cultures.
What two words best describe your marriage and the both of you?
16. (daniel) Halle. Lujah,
(cleo) Blessed. Friendship.