Thankful this week for:
1. Spring!
2. A Picnic in the park with my kids on Monday.
3. Free Rita's Ices on Tuesday.
4. Grandma Sue visiting on Wednesday and bringing us enough soup and chicken meals to last through the weekend!
5. Faithful friends who encourage me all the time.
6. An amazing husband who has been texting me the sweetest things lately like this week he texted me, "I am a better man because of you."
7. My daughter Julia always willing to help me around the house whenever I call her name.
8. My son Mark always laughing and wanting to play right alongside his big sister.
9. A fully packed Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday where I shared some personal things and could trust the group to listen and pray for me and just "hear me out".
10. My husband doing lots of yard work on Saturday and eager to do more this weekend!!! We are going to work on our GARDEN again...I'm so excited for what God will grow for us this year.
11. A sister night planned for April for me and my Sara!
12. Less than 45 days til Laurie and Kelsey's wedding (my beloved sister in law)
13. A free workout group at church that meets every Wednesday...just in time to prepare for the summer and the upcoming wedding!
14. I'm very thankful for you Lord, for your mercies are new every morning and you are so patient with us and so loving.
Psalm 100: 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

1. Spring!
2. A Picnic in the park with my kids on Monday.
3. Free Rita's Ices on Tuesday.
4. Grandma Sue visiting on Wednesday and bringing us enough soup and chicken meals to last through the weekend!
5. Faithful friends who encourage me all the time.
6. An amazing husband who has been texting me the sweetest things lately like this week he texted me, "I am a better man because of you."
7. My daughter Julia always willing to help me around the house whenever I call her name.
8. My son Mark always laughing and wanting to play right alongside his big sister.
9. A fully packed Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday where I shared some personal things and could trust the group to listen and pray for me and just "hear me out".
10. My husband doing lots of yard work on Saturday and eager to do more this weekend!!! We are going to work on our GARDEN again...I'm so excited for what God will grow for us this year.
11. A sister night planned for April for me and my Sara!
12. Less than 45 days til Laurie and Kelsey's wedding (my beloved sister in law)
13. A free workout group at church that meets every Wednesday...just in time to prepare for the summer and the upcoming wedding!
14. I'm very thankful for you Lord, for your mercies are new every morning and you are so patient with us and so loving.
Psalm 100: 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

I'm thankful for YOU! Love your list dear friend! xoxo C