21 August 2013

His Work--2013

Back in 2010 I did a whole Book Club series on The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie O'Martin.

You can click here to read the post on His Work.

Here is a little excerpt from what I wrote back then, at the time I had a 2 year old Julia and a 1 year old Mark.  Those were the days where John had 2 jobs of working full time in the city and then would come home to teach taekwondo.  He was so busy then.

As wives let's pray these things into our hubby's life:
1. Their eyes would be open to see what God wants them to do2. For God to reveal doors of opportunity that no man can close3. Pray that God has your husband where he wants him to be4. That God will lead the right people into his workplace and remove people who are troublesome5. For our husbands to find the perfect balance between work and rest6. For them to not fear about the future or worry about making enough money7. Pray their day at work goes smoothly8. Pray that God blesses the work of their hands in favor, success, prosperity, and also that their work brings them fulfillment9. Pray for strength, faith, and vision10. Give him confidence in all his business endeavors!!!

Although 3 years have passed, not much has changed over here (except for another baby and grown up big kids)!  John still works full time as a Financial Advisor in the city and he is currently studying to earn his CFP (which has been such an undergoing!)  And He also still owns the Taekwondo school in Old Bridge.  John has worked probably an 80 hour week these past 2 weeks to finish up a huge 40 page project.  I was reminded this evening to continue to pray for him as he leaves each morning and through out the day.  He has been so weary lately.  When John works these kind of hours it affects all of us.  And of course it affects him.  All I can do is pray for him and encourage him as the wife, and as his best friend.  He already knows how proud I am of him, but I know he enjoys hearing it from time to time.

I am so thankful for my John.  I am praying that God continues to not only bless the fruit of his hands, but also bless all the time and extra work he puts in.  He is such a hard worker.  He never just sits down and watches a show (unless I beg him!)  I pray that God will give him clarity of thought when he takes his big exam this November and I pray that he PASSES his exam which is said to be extremely long and extremely difficult test.

I also pray that somehow God would show John how He can use John in his work to minister to others and share his faith...something that weighs heavily on his heart.  And also for boldness and good timing.

I also pray that John finds the perfect balance between work and play...because we love having him home when his not working!!!


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