16 February 2011

New Year's List Update

So it's mid-February, and we are all wondering, how are we doing with our New Year's Goals or Resolutions.  If you don't remember my New Year's List click here and you will see the whole post, but my list was as follows:

* Date nights will be put on the calendar!  And at least 1 date outside the home each month! (a big deal once you have little ones and have to find a sitter)

* Trying at least two new recipes or more a month.

* Beginning to cutback my commitments in ministry at church, since I do: nursery, beginner church, Sunday school, and ladies Bible study, not to mention being on the women ministry team.

* Now that all my scrapbooking materials are downstairs and in an accessible space (not upstairs in Mark's room which did me no good since when he slept and I had time to scrapbook he was in there) beginning to scrapbook my kids birthday books.

* Blogging less and not feeling bad about it!


Well, I must say, God has really allowed me to keep to my promises this year, and I have had some accountability with some dear friends who check in with me, especially about over-committing myself at church.

This is the face of one very happy lady!

1. Date nights will be put on the calendar!  John and I have gone on several dates recently, thanks to my mom and my sister Sara who are always, always willing to help with Mark and Julia.  One night we went out to dinner and a movie (I savored every bite of my steak dinner) and we laughed and laughed at a silly movie together.  Just this past weekend we went into the city all day with our traveling buddies and we had a blast, my friend Vivi had to keep me from skipping down the sidewalk, I was just so happy to be with John and my friends and enjoy our time in the big city.  We've even planned a few date nights after putting the kids to bed.  We just put everything else aside (paperwork, dishes, etc.) and grab a snack and watch a movie together.  Those are the best nights.  And we don't have to spend a dime!  John does like looking on our family calendar in the kitchen and when he sees the words DATE NIGHT he is one happy camper!

2. Try at least two or more recipes a month.  Okay, I was just showing off with this one, I've been trying at least one or two new recipes a week!  Between my friends sharing with me, and Suzette's blog, I've been a busy lady in the kitchen.  New recipes make me feel GOOD.  I'm using different ingredients.  I'm using supercook.com (Suzette suggested this on her blog...you have to try it out!  You just plug in the food in your own pantry and they give you recipes so you don't even have to leave your house) and my Real Simple magazine which always has great recipes and food tips!

3. Beginning to cutback on my commitments at church!  Done! I've decided to lead Ladies Bible Study one more year for the 2011-2012 year, simply because I love it and I can really see God blessing our ministry and growing our group. I have already spoken to our Sunday School Superintendent (this past week) and told her I will not be teaching K-5 Sunday School next year.  I will continue to teach through May, but then will stop (It was a hard thing to do, but I know God will provide a new teacher).  Sundays were becoming so stressful and whirlwind like for me.  I was starting to dread going to church because I had so much to do there.  And with two kids and a husband who need me it was getting to be one of the busiest days of the week for me.  Now I feel like I can enjoy Sundays again, and believe you me I am still involved at church, but I let go of 2 teaching ministries (Beginner Church and Sunday School) and I'm looking forward to going to a Sunday School class in the Fall!

4. Beginning to scrapbook my kids birthday books!  I'm already working on Julia's birthday book and loving it.  It's taking me a lot longer than usual because of home schooling and all my teaching commitments at church, but this summer when we take a break from school-time I will be able to catch up even more!

5. Blogging less and not feeling bad about it!  I find it funny that I have been blogging less this year, and yet my followers continues to grow!  I'm at 30 followers!  (My goal is to have 40-50 by next year, if not more.)  Fact is, my life has gotten very busy this past year, sometimes I'm home all day with two kids by myself, John doesn't get home til late most evenings and so I've had to learn to cut back on computer time.  I tend to feel bad if I don't blog every day of the week, but I don't know why.  No one has put a pressure of blogging daily on me, just myself, so I've learned to let it go, and to blog when I can!  No worries!  Time with my kids I will never get back and so investing in them is very important to me.


  1. I enjoyed this blog alot! Happy to see things are well with you

  2. Haha, you made me giggle when i pictured you happily skipping down the street! =) Love it! I too LOVE trying new recipes. I love cooking/baking, it just makes the house feel warm, inviting, and lived in. Cooking is definitely an adventure for me!

    Also- I had to cut back on church commitments a while back. It's hard to do that because I think we tend to think anything to do with church is good! However, God had to really work in my heart and show me that my ministry is not only at church, but mainly with my husband, family, and friends. It sounds like you have a really good balance!

    Also- your blog is definitely a ministry. I hope you see it that way, because I really do! even though I don't get a chance to comment all the time, I read every post that you write and it's so encouraging. You are an inspiration to me and to many other women!


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