We still have not taken a day off of school yet for the holidays, but this week might be the week we do it! We plan on visiting with friends and family this week and finishing up the last minute details before Christmas gets here!
Just this past Friday, Julia and I did over 10 pages in her Letter tracing workbook and Math workbook while Mark took an early nap (he had a hand stuck in the door issue and was worn out from the morning's events, poor guy, and he did lose a finger nail which was very painful, but as of today it is beginning to harden and heal, praise God). Julia and I when we do our workbook writing pages or counting (adding) pages we have a blast. Julia is known to keep going, "More! Another one!" even when I feel we've done enough she is ready to do more, so we do! It's days like this that I take advantage of so the other days that we have Library or Gymnastics I don't worry about "missing" some school time. It all evens out.
We are getting lots of Flat Stanley's back! (Can't wait to mail out a whole new batch in the New Year, this will be a few months long project because it is just so much fun!) This weekend we got letters back from Ashland, Oregon and Staten Island, New York!
The moms have been great with this project because they have mailed back post cards, state facts, newsletters, and even book marks, it's fun getting prizes in the mail from each state! Thank you!
In the New Year Flat Stanley is going to travel to Maryland, California, Louisiana, Tennessee, New Mexico, and Indiana!!!
Being a home school parent is so much fun because I get to be a part of their education, guide it, plan it, and supplement it where I see fit. And yet we have the freedom to do day trips, take a week or two off, focus on one subject at a time, or a day, week or month. And the prize is watching your child grow, and learn right before your very eyes and be able to say, "Yes, I taught my child that!"
I'm thankful for each and every minute, even the days that are more difficult or harder to plan, because it has made me a stronger, better teacher, and a better mom, although I know I have lots, lots, more to learn.

Just this past Friday, Julia and I did over 10 pages in her Letter tracing workbook and Math workbook while Mark took an early nap (he had a hand stuck in the door issue and was worn out from the morning's events, poor guy, and he did lose a finger nail which was very painful, but as of today it is beginning to harden and heal, praise God). Julia and I when we do our workbook writing pages or counting (adding) pages we have a blast. Julia is known to keep going, "More! Another one!" even when I feel we've done enough she is ready to do more, so we do! It's days like this that I take advantage of so the other days that we have Library or Gymnastics I don't worry about "missing" some school time. It all evens out.
We are getting lots of Flat Stanley's back! (Can't wait to mail out a whole new batch in the New Year, this will be a few months long project because it is just so much fun!) This weekend we got letters back from Ashland, Oregon and Staten Island, New York!
The moms have been great with this project because they have mailed back post cards, state facts, newsletters, and even book marks, it's fun getting prizes in the mail from each state! Thank you!
In the New Year Flat Stanley is going to travel to Maryland, California, Louisiana, Tennessee, New Mexico, and Indiana!!!
Being a home school parent is so much fun because I get to be a part of their education, guide it, plan it, and supplement it where I see fit. And yet we have the freedom to do day trips, take a week or two off, focus on one subject at a time, or a day, week or month. And the prize is watching your child grow, and learn right before your very eyes and be able to say, "Yes, I taught my child that!"
I'm thankful for each and every minute, even the days that are more difficult or harder to plan, because it has made me a stronger, better teacher, and a better mom, although I know I have lots, lots, more to learn.

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