It's the most wonderful time of the year...but oh so very busy!
Extra trips to the grocery store, Christmas shopping, drop offs at the post office, not to mention, Ladies Bible study, MOPS, play dates, sick kids, ER visits, sick mommy, trips to the doctor's office, Library time, Awana, Gymnastics, when do we fit school in?
We fit school in first thing in the morning (Circle Time), and review after nap (Math and craft), and right before bed (Awana verse and reading)! And Mommy can't wait for January when we start a whole new classical curriculum! I will have a month off of leading Bible study and will be able to teach 4 days a week instead of 3.
I'm sure all of you can relate to a busy November and December, right? I'm excited for the quiet days of January and February...
Julia and I were given this book by Christy Weaver and we just loved it. Julia helps me read it by figuring out what the pictures in the prayers stand for, it's really fun to do together.
I don't know if it's the age or her artistic ability but Julia could color for hours if I let her. This month I printed out lots of advent pictures, candy canes, Christmas trees, and holly to color. And Julia does such a great job of choosing the different colors she likes and coloring in the lines.
Pictured here is Carson who lives with his Mommy, Julia and Daddy, Jay, in North Carolina!
We've been so thankful to all the parents who have emailed pictures to us and continue to send facts about their states.
Mark's favorite part about the Flat Stanley project: getting to stand on the red chair to point to the different states!

Extra trips to the grocery store, Christmas shopping, drop offs at the post office, not to mention, Ladies Bible study, MOPS, play dates, sick kids, ER visits, sick mommy, trips to the doctor's office, Library time, Awana, Gymnastics, when do we fit school in?
We fit school in first thing in the morning (Circle Time), and review after nap (Math and craft), and right before bed (Awana verse and reading)! And Mommy can't wait for January when we start a whole new classical curriculum! I will have a month off of leading Bible study and will be able to teach 4 days a week instead of 3.
I'm sure all of you can relate to a busy November and December, right? I'm excited for the quiet days of January and February...
Julia and I were given this book by Christy Weaver and we just loved it. Julia helps me read it by figuring out what the pictures in the prayers stand for, it's really fun to do together.
I don't know if it's the age or her artistic ability but Julia could color for hours if I let her. This month I printed out lots of advent pictures, candy canes, Christmas trees, and holly to color. And Julia does such a great job of choosing the different colors she likes and coloring in the lines.
In Awana we memorized this verse last week (Psalm 33:4) for Bear Hug #10...and our family month verse is Luke 2: 11 For unto us is born this day in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord...and I'm so proud to say that even my 2 year old son knows this verse!!!Flat Stanley continues to travel across the United States. He's been mailed to Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, California, Oregon...and we still have lots more letters to mail out...we are waiting til January to send out some more!
Pictured here is Carson who lives with his Mommy, Julia and Daddy, Jay, in North Carolina!
We've been so thankful to all the parents who have emailed pictures to us and continue to send facts about their states.
Mark's favorite part about the Flat Stanley project: getting to stand on the red chair to point to the different states!

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