20 October 2010

The Power of a Praying Wife Chapter 21: His Marriage

Celebrating 7 years of marriage.
"Praying about all aspects of a marriage keeps the concept of divorce from gaining any hold."

John and I have learned a lot about each other in the past 7 years, and one thing we are always learning to do better is to be better communicators, and most of the time that means being a better listener.  I love James 1:19 which says...

19" My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

*quick to listen
*slow to speak
*slow to become angry

Have you ever been in a "heated discussion" with your spouse and there was barely any listening happening but a lot of talking?  Have you ever been angry even before your spouse had a chance to share their perspective?  Have you ever been slow to listen but quick to speak and quick to become angry...? Me too...that's why this verse is such a great reminder.

I love to laugh with John.
Laughter really is the best medicine.  When you have a great relationship with your spouse, one where you can relax and be yourself, it becomes so comfortable and so fun, and so much easier to laugh, and not sweat the small stuff.

We may be totally different on the outside, but our hearts are one.
"Marriage is great when two people enter into it with a mutual commitment to keep it strong no matter what."

"Pray continually for your marriage...pray that any unreal expectations be exposed and all incompatibilities be smoothed out so that you grow together in a spirit of unity."

I'm so thankful for a marriage that is built on trust and on the Rock (Jesus is our foundation, praise the Lord).  I am so glad I married John because he and I are on the same page with our values and our faith and our worldview. 

1 Corinthians 10:12 "Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall"  I don't want to take my marriage for granted, no matter how great it is, I want to pray that God continues to protect my marriage from people or any situation that could destroy it.

I want many more years of love and peace in our home...let's pray for each other and our marriages, today.

* Protection for our marriage from anything that would harm or destroy it.
* Shield it from any selfishness or neglect, or the evil plans and desires of others.
* Pray that there will be no thought of divorce or infidelity in our hearts.
* Pray that there will be no jealousy in either of us.
* Let nothing come in our hearts and habits that would threaten the marriage in any way.

Love Dare:
Take a few moments to look through your wedding album, and talk about how you felt on that beautiful wedding day!


  1. Great post, Kristi! Isn't it neat how God brings us someone who is so different from us so we have to learn to be loving, gracious, and patient. Your second photo down reminds me of our first picture together. Everyone who saw it said it pictured us perfectly.

  2. Love it! After ten years of marriage, always good to hear don't take your marriage for granted! I will definately be going through our wedding album to remind me of the commitment I made and cherish! God is good because I can't imagine doing life with anyone but Chuck! Thanks for the post!

    Kathy McCain


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