03 June 2011

Favorite Book, Birthday Bliss, & The Nature Hike

 Fridays I like to recap the week God gave us. This week was extra special with Memorial Day in NYC, a fun library trip on Tuesday morning, and going on a nature hike with my Julia and my MOPS group on my birthday Wednesday.

Thursday was a really relaxing "catch-up" day, where we ran some errands together and just enjoyed playing outside on our lawn and taking a wagon trip around the block, and Fridays are super busy with Gymnastics for Julia.

Library on Tuesday morning was great! We actually went to the 10:00 story time and then we picked out some books to take home, Thank you, Mr. Falker, The Story of Ferdinand, and My Name is Not Alexander.  Our favorite was Ferdinand click on the title to view the book on amazon.com.

Suzette from Joy of Homemaking did a wonderful post last week on how each child is unique and birth order, you HAVE to check it out!

During Circle Time this week we learned about President #4 James Madison, and we finally finished all of the Letter A Bible Heroes (there were 10), today we learned about Baalam, and how we can choose to speak blessings about others and not curses.  "Heroes choose to say nice things about God's people! Even when others are being unkind, heroes say the things God would want them to say."  Our new son before our Bible time is the B-I-B-L-E song...and we stand and fist pump the air at the end of the song! That is Mark's favorite part, BIBLE!!!

During the hike at Kateri environmental center, I learned some new things about my Julia...this is why it is so important for me to have time just with her, and vice versa with Mark.  Julia is beyond independent.  I thought on my birthday it would be fun and different to have a girl day, to meet up with some Mops friends and to learn about nature.

During the hike Julia did not want to sit by me, she did not want me to help her over any logs, she did not want me to hold her hand, and she did not want me to cuddle her.

I thought this would be a great bonding experience, but Julia really was so excited about doing something so unlike we have ever done she didn't want me to baby her, she wanted to be grown up.  At one point she even put her hand out so I would give her space!  I tried not to show my hurt and my disappointment.  Instead I took the time to enjoy the other moms, while keeping a close eye on Miss Julia, and enjoying the beauty of the nature.

Julia wasn't trying to hurt my feelings, she was just overwhelmed and excited and she even asked me in the beginning, "Mommy can I go follow the teacher?"  She wanted to follow our nature hike guide Miss Anne.  I said okay.  I wasn't expecting this so soon.  Towards the end of the hike she was getting really tired and she got more cuddly and even took a picture with me.  I'm proud of how independent she is and how excited she is to learn.  I guess I just wish she wouldn't grow up so fast!

At my mom's house that evening, my sister Sara let the kids touch and hold her pet guinea pig Bella.  They were so happy.  They talk about Bella as if she were a member of our family.  They always want to feed her carrots.  John calls Bella a rat, and Julia gets very upset! "No daddy its a skinny pig!!!!" she says with umph.  She DOES not let anyone tease Aunt Sara or Bella.  Oh no! Not on her turf!  She defends everyone!

Another highlight from my week is when Mark was trying to feed Lizzy Lou her sippy cup.  My kids love cousin Lizzy.  They are always trying to hold her, play with her or offer her toys.

 But the minute I pick her up both my kids get very upset/jealous type behavior, which really shocks me!  Mark didn't want me to move, he grabbed my leg and wouldn't let go, and Julia started to talk like a baby!  It was so silly.  I think they wanted to play with her so once she was on the floor everyone was much happier.

During the hike we had to close our eyes for 1 minute, 60 whole seconds of no talking, no phones, no computer, just the sounds of nature.  The kids had to listen for all the different sounds we heard.  We heard a robin singing in the trees.  We heard the toads in the pond gulping.  We heard the wind in trees and leaves.  We heard bugs buzzing.  It was so peaceful.  I never do that.  I never sit still and just listen.  So from now on I'm going to try to do that whenever I am outside with the kids.  Just close our eyes and hear what's buzzing or singing with life.  God is all around us in nature.  He has created such a beautiful world, and it is so nice to be a part of it....that is until the bug spray wears off.

Have a great weekend!  See you Monday!

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