23 November 2010

Julia's New Normal

We start our day with Julia saying, "Mom, I'm awake! Can I get up?"  Then when I say, "Sure, come on downstairs!" She says, "One minute Mommy, I gotta make my bed!" (Is that normal for a 2 year old to want to make her bed/bedroom neat and clean before she leaves it?)

Then we enjoy breakfast with the three of us because Daddy leaves by 6:30 or 7 am.  After breakfast clean up we hurry upstairs to get dressed so we don't miss Elmo's World on Sesame Street!

We play in the basement and watch the end of Sesame Street and Julia usually tells me, "Mom, Marky did his poop!" To which I go in and quickly change him.  (Is it normal for a 2 year old to remind their mother about their brother's needs?)

Then Julia gets to choose her own video to watch while mommy showers and Marky plays or naps in his crib upstairs.  When I come downstairs to make my second cup of coffee Julia says, "Mommy is it time for school? I want to paint and do my homework!" (Is it normal for a 2 year to want to do school and have homework, and to remind their mom to do school?)

We practice our letters for the week, we color pictures or paint pictures that represent that letter.  We do puzzles, listen to songs, read books, hear Bible stories, practice memory verses, practice our numbers and counting, practice our sight words for the week, etc.  We have a great hour of learning time! (Julia likes to tell me her verses she learns in Sunday School, this week's verse was, "Do not fear, God is with you, Amen!" And if they say their verse they got a lollipop, Julia always asks her teacher Miss Jen, "Can Marky have a lollipop?? Is that normal?)

We have lots of time for adventures through out the week with Library Craft Class on Monday, Story time on Wednesday, and Gymnastics on Friday.  I also like to take them to the Party gym once or twice a month because they meet tons of new kids and get to run and play indoors since park time is not available due to the cooler temps.  Julia walks up to strangers and says, "What's your name? I'm Julia Star McInerney!"

We have times when it's just mommy and me, and Julia will say, "Mom I miss you so much!"  "Mom, I love you!"  It's great to hear those words and get in some extra hugs and kisses.

Julia is always trying to figure things out and do things on her own.  She loves to show Mark how to use a new toy, or try a new trick.  At the party gym she taught him how to climb up the cushiony stairs to get to the big indoor slide.  She's always, always busy.  And always thinking of her brother.

Julia's new normal is pretty amazing.  She's growing up into a 3 year old right before our eyes!  I'm so proud of you sweet cakes!  You are my shining star!


  1. Sounds like she is a wonderful big sister! 3 is such a fun age! Hopefully the bed-making will turn into a life-long habit! =)

  2. Oh, Julia you are extraordinary! We love you, big girl!


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