27 May 2014

Daily Summer Activities: Keeping Little Ones Busy

Excited For Summer

This post is a continuation from yesterday!  I was getting depressed thinking about the weeks ahead of me with being pregnant and having 3 kids to entertain (I love being with my kids, but I'm feeling super pregnant and a bit unenthusiastic at the moment).  So, I hopped on pinterest and started a new board entitled Stay at Home Summer Activities.  

Although we will go on weekly excursions to fun places, I wanted to find a list of fun things we can do in our own "back yard" so to speak, and maybe in the front yard!

I need a plan.  If I am ever feeling discouraged or defeated, God has given me a gift at planning ahead and looking to the bright side so that I can organize my time and look forward to things instead of being overwhelmed.

After pinning for a few minutes I came up with this list of things we can do at home:

1. Finger Painting

2. Chalk drawing on sidewalk

3. Swimming in the kiddie pool

4. Baking with mommy

5. Writing letters to our pen pals

6. Reviewing our Math Facts

7. D. E. A. R. Time (Drop Everything And Read)

8. Neighborhood Scavenger Hunts

9. Making crafts

10. Memorizing God's Word

This will definitely keep us busy, not to mention, going to camp, VBS, library trips, play dates, pool time, and the beach!  Aaaaahhhhh, I'm feeling much more enthusiastic about the summer!  Check out my pinterest page for even more ideas!


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