05 May 2014

Pink! Pink! Pink!

Team Girl!!!

This weekend was Daddy's birthday, and at our BBQ we had our baby gender reveal to finally find out if we were having a boy or a girl.

Now, my daughter Julia has been praying for a sister since I was pregnant with Micah.  And we all know how that story turned out...when the doctor told us that we were having a boy Julia yelled at my OBGYN, "But I wanted a sister!" To which her Dad replied, "Don't worry Julia we will try again."  I guess he thought that was funny...and now with this baby on the way Julia has been predicting and praying and telling us without a shadow of a doubt that THIS WAS A GIRL.

She even predicted a little girl would be sitting on our bed with all of us (we snuggle on Saturday mornings) even before we were pregnant.  I think she might be a prophetess! 

Although we knew there was a 50/50 chance of a boy or a girl, I secretly wanted a girl (for Julia and for myself) and John (he's so gracious) wanted a healthy baby (secretly I think he wanted a boy but prayed for a girl to make us happy).

One of Julia's reasons for wanting a sister is that she didn't want 3 brothers to tie her up and put whip cream on her!!! As if I would let my sons do that to her!  And where in the world she thought of that I will never know.

When John finally cut into the cake....my heart was pounding, every one kept telling me, boy, boy, boy.  Just like they did when I was pregnant with Julia, I was so convinced I was having a boy I wore blue to my baby shower and ended up having Julia....same thing happened this time, I wanted a girl so badly but everyone kept saying, "It's a boy...!"  And so I didn't want to believe it even though God kept giving me dreams that we were having a girl.

Julia at 8 months old

I was so nervous, and then....he pulled out the piece of cake and there was more pink than I had ever seen in my whole life.  I wanted to cry!  God, you didn't have to do that.  You didn't have to give us just what we wanted.  You always go above and beyond, and you spoil your children.  Thank you for this baby girl, Julia and I are already wondering who she will look like.  Will she be chubby like Micah?  Will she have blue eyes like all of them?  Will she have brown, red, or blond hair, I have one of each!?  I am so excited to meet her.  We are at 6 1/2 months pregnant so we have a few more months to grow and go before SHE is here!

Julia at 2-3 months old
Pink! Pink! and more Pink!  I can't wait to start shopping the sale racks and consignment shops and get lots of girly clothes and bows, and white ruffled socks with the lace and black patent leather mary janes.  I am so excited that our final baby (so we think) will be a bookend of our first.  Our sweet baby girl.  Team Girl wins!

This is my 1,200 post and it's dedicated to my little petunia!  I love you already sweet heart!


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