30 January 2014

Thankful Thursday..My Big Kids

They Make Mommy Proud

Shout out to Julia and Mark who have really made this school year run like clock work.

1. They wake up before me and set the breakfast table...then they wait for me to wake up and come downstairs.

2. After breakfast they get dressed and make their beds. Sometimes Mark forgets clean underwear but hey, he puts clean clothes on!

3. Julia and I do an hour of school while Mark and Micah play in the living room.  Usually the both end up joining us in the dining room, but Mark has been a big help this year with Micah who truly adores him.

4. During snack time Mommy finally has time to take a shower and the big kids babysit Micah for me!  They keep him safe from the stairs and read to him and play with him and find his binky when he needs it.

5. Most days there is no complaining about school work.  Mark has finished almost every workbook I've ever bought him this year.  I had to buy him another Kindergarten phonics book today just to keep up with him.

I am really thankful for these two big kids.  I don't say it enough to them but I am going to read them this post and give them big hugs and kisses tomorrow and tell them how wonderful they are!


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