21 March 2014

Beauty In Bloom

Awesome Mom Jobs

My Mops leader Jamie Cone, and her best friend Tara Silvestre both have the best job in the world.  They build and encourage little girls at parties.  They teach them about loving themselves, and self esteem, and about where true beauty really is.

The name of their company is Beauty in Bloom.  I interviewed Jamie this past week and was able to book Julia's 7th birthday party all at the same time.  I think this business they created is truly awesome and you will too!

Here is a video clip:

How did you come up with the idea for this business?

1. Beauty in Bloom was inspired by our own daughters.  Tara and I were seeking a business opportunity  that would allow us income and flexibility but also the ability to really impact lives in a positive way.  There was nothing like that out for us so we decided to pioneer our own company. As mothers our first instinct was to think of our children; we started with our oldest children; our daughters.  We designed a company that would be fun, on trend and meaningful. We wanted girls to have a great time at our parties but also learn something at the same time: Beauty in Bloom was born!

What is the message or goal of Beauty in Bloom?

2. The core message of BiB is vital to girls in today's society. As parents we have responsibility to teach our daughters about loving themselves, respecting who they are and being kind to themselves as others.  These are lessons that, sadly, some children never learn at home. We come across girls who are never told they are beautiful, smart and worthy of love.  At Beauty in Bloom we get to be a positive, uplifting voice to girls who may not have that.  In society that is constantly telling girls to conform, conform, conform; we are telling girls to be proud of who they are, just as they are because they were created perfectly.

What do you hope to accomplish at the parties?

3.  Many times at our parties and workshops we see changes before our very eyes!  We see girls who are shy and introverted blossom into bold, confident kids ready to conquer the world. We see girls who learn to encourage other girls by saying positive things and praising their friends at the party for sometimes the slightest things, it really touches your heart to see girls lifting up other girls in a positive way.  We once had a mom reach out to us after a party because she couldn't believe the change in her daughter. Her daughter had attended a friend's party.  This little girl, Danielle is her name and we still remember, was so quiet and shy. Her mom told us that she came home and couldn't stop talking about how her talents and gifts were special and she felt great about being who she was!  It's always so amazing to hear that kind of feedback.

What was the hardest part of creating your business?

4.  The hardest part of starting BiB was simply finding the time to follow through!  We have 7 kids between the two of us and we are busy mamas!  It's still a challenge to this day, but isn't that the gripe of all moms?...Finding the time to do it all!

How do you and Tara divide/share the work load?

5.  Tara and I work great together!  I love talking and being "on"; she prefers the behind the scenes mechanics of the business so we make a great team!  I can't tell you how many times I call tara with some crafty idea, tell about it and she just finds a way to make it happen!   She's amazing like that!  So it's pretty easy for us to split up the work, we both recognize the other person's strengths and capitalize on those and work to pick up the slack for each other's weaknesses.  Plus we're best friends, and what's better then working with your best friend!

1. What is the best part/your fav part of beauty in bloom?

Tara: My favorite thing about Beauty in Bloom is knowing that at each party or workshop that we do, these young girls are getting our message and all we can hope is that they remember it in the future. At the end of a party we go over everything we talked about and hearing the responses from the girls is so rewarding

2. What is your main goal in hosting the parties?

Tara: Our main goal in hosting these parties is that we help girls really understand where inner beauty comes from and help them to realize that they are special just the way they are. Beauty is not always about what is on the outside.

****** Jamie and Tara blessings on this business venture!  Praying that you are booked over and above what you could ever ask for or hope for.  You both are amazing role models for these girls and great mommies.  Love you Both!


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