My Sisters of the Heart, (that's you my blog friends)
I woke up today in such a funk. I am so sleep deprived from being sick and having two sick kids who haven't slept well at night all week. Ever wake up already in a cranky mood? That was me...before, but looking back on this past weekend and the wonderful week I've had, considering how sick we all are, and reading God's word this morning, and thinking of Joyce's words in her book The Confident Woman, "Focus on the people who do love you!" I am now in a wonderful mood (thanks to Suzette texting me back and forth this morning too, that always helps me focus on the positive!)
Psalm 100:4 "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."
Today I am thinking of all the wonderful things I am thankful for and all the people who love me and my family...just take a look at the wonderful week I've had (Thank you Lord for such beautiful weather which always makes the days filled with fun when we can have day trips outside and play with our friends)
Monday- We went to Dorbrook Park and met up with Holly, JaneAnn, JaneAnn's 3 kids, Owen, Cole, and Clara Joy, Lindy and Lucas, and I even saw some friends from our library class. The kids loved playing in the large sand pit, the swings, the open field with Holly and her bag of games, the monkey bars, and lunch outside!
Monday Evening-Mom came over to put the kids to bed for me (actually I put Mark to sleep, he fell asleep at 6:30!!!) and John and I went to Laura Wagner's house and she made us a traditional Jewish Sader meal, it was such a blessing to read the Jewish book and hear God's words spoken to the Israelite people and how they thank God for helping them to escape slavery in Egypt. It was also a blessing to be with the Fosters (my associate pastor's family, Liz and 4 boys all of which go to John's taekwondo school, and have become dear friends). Laura treated us like royalty. It was nice to be out with John and hold hands at the dinner table! I also was given leftovers which fed us until Tuesday!! A super blessing :)
Tuesday- Bible Study at church....oooooh I am loving our book The New Eve, God is teaching me so much, and I love the group of women that come. We pray for eachother, encourage eachother, and it is such a great class. Gina is doing a wonderful job. Gina and I are working on co-teaching next Fall on The Confident Woman!!! I am so excited for that challenge!
Wednesday-I was so thankful to be able to get so much cleaning done in the house. Julia was so helpful. We even went to the Old Bridge shoppes and walked around, and did lots of errands for the house and daddy.
Thursday-We were able to go to Geick park for a bit, and our 11:00 library class, it was wonderful to see how Julia continues to be so friendly to the other children and say hi and share. Even though I had to take Julia to the doctors (which was only difficult because I had two in tow, but they were both well behaved) Julia really impressed me because we had to see a different doctor this time and when he asked her name and age, she said, "I'm Ju-la!" and "Two!" I didn't even prompt her! I was so proud of her! After that I took her to CVS and she got a new coloring book for herself and Addie (her pen pal and dear friend).
Thursday Eve.-It was a MOPs Mom night out. Me and 7 other girls from my MOPS group met up at the Cheesecake factory in Freehold and had dessert together it was so fun!!! I loved being with my sisters in the Lord and mommy friends. They are such a great support system. Thank you Lord for allowing me to meet this group. We met up at 8 and left the restaurant around was super fun!
So today is all about thanksgiving and focusing on the people who love you...What are you thankful for today? Who has blessed you and loves you just the way you are? I promise that if you focus on these wonderful blessings it's very hard to stay cranky! LOL
God is so good!
Thank YOU Kristi, for sharing your words and life! It's amazing how encouraging it is just to know there are other believers who are facing similar struggles and triumphs. I love your blog! It's such an encouragement to me. =)
ReplyDeleteOh Michela, you are more than welcome! Thank you for your blog and friendship! We as sisters in Christ are so blessed to be able to be family and encourage one another! I love you for stopping by and letting me know!
ReplyDeleteYou brighten my day, too! Thanks for being a sounding board for all of my mommy questions and ideas.
ReplyDeleteHi Kristi! Wow, what a wonderful encouraging post. Thanks for sharing this...I only hope I can remember this exercise when I wake up in one of those "funks"! You're such a sweet bloggy friend, and I enjoy reading your from the heart posts everyday! - Oh, and in your last post, you had so fabulous springtime photos! Hope you have a great weekend... Hugs, ~Kristin