I can't believe we made it to the last chapter. I was telling Suzette yesterday how nostalgic I was feeling that our book club has now come to an end! Well, what better way to end a book than with a chapter called, "You go girl!"
I've really enjoyed learning how to become a confident woman, and hearing your comments. It seems that God is using many of you ladies in your daily lives. He is teaching you confidence and boldness with people in your church, your family members, and it seems you are really getting what Joyce was teaching in this book.
I decided to end our last book club post with a brief look back at each of the 17 chapters. I will narrow it down to 1-2 sentences per chapter, and hopefully it will all be really good reminders on how we all can be more confident women for Jesus!
1-A confident woman feels safe. She believes she is loved, valuable, cared for, and safe in God's will for her. Chapter 1, page 11
2-Learn to believe about yourself what God says about you, not what other people have said about you. Chapter 2, page 16
3-Just remember that God loves you and wants to use you in powerful ways to help other people. Chapter 3, page 37
4-We cannot love ourselves unless we realize how much God loves us, and if we don't love ourselves, we cannot love other people. Chapter 4, page 40
5-A spiritually mature woman will be the first to do what is right even if nobody else is doing so. We live for God and not for man. Chapter 5, page 60
6-You don't have to feel confident to be confident! To live in victory, each of us must learn to go beyond our feelings. Chapter 6, page 79
7-Knowing I have done my best to be prepared helps me minister with confidence. Chapter 7, page 89
8-We should turn away from the people who try to discourage or accuse us instead of allowing what they say or think to affect us adversely. Chapter 8, page 108
9-Raising a family, taking care of a man and being a good homemaker is a full-time job that requires overtime with no overtime pay. Chapter 9, page 115
10-I may not always do everything right, but at least I am attempting to do something to make the world a better place and to help hurting people. Chapter 10, page 134
Sometimes I get bored with myself and I have to pray and ask God for a creative idea to shake up my life a little and keep me on my toes. (Having a godly friend who is creative helps too...thanks Suzette!) Chapter 10, page 135
11-Confrontation is extremely difficult for many people, but it must be done unless we want other people and other things to control our lives. Chapter 11, page 155
(Do it Afraid) Fear means to run away from or to take flight, but confrontation means to face something head-on. Chapter 11, page 159
12-Trying to solve tomorrow's problems today only steals the energy God has prearranged for you in order to enjoy today.
We miss out on good things because we worry about bad things that may not even come to be! Chapter 12, page 168-169
13-Change keeps life fresh and adventurous. Chapter 13, page 192
14-Genuinely brave people not only have the courage to take action, they also have the courage to wait when they need to. Chapter 14, page 194
15-Enjoyment is not possible if we are afraid all the time. p 204
Winning requires preparation, training, sacrifice and a willing to press past our opposition. Chapter 15, page 206
16-Courage always comes from God while fear is what Satan tries to give us. Chapter 16, page 213
Make a list of your blessings and read them out loud anytime you feel yourself starting to sink emotionally. page 217
17-Your smile not only makes you appear and feel more confident, it gives others confidence. They feel approved of and accepted when we smile at them. Chapter 17, page 229
I found that during these past few months while re-reading Joyce's book, keeping myself in God's word, staying connected to people who encourage me, God has allowed me to have a LOT of confidence in many different areas, and He opened up the door for many new experiences that I am very excited about!
* I was able to stand in front of 240 high schoolers yesterday and share part of my testimony and John's testimony and talk about the christian race we are all in (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) I can't begin to tell you how receptive the kids were, God really moved, and the principal invited me back for next year's chapels!!!
* I spoke in Middle School and lots of Elementary chapels about being salt and light, having confidence, being patient, led a Bible Trivia Challenge, and more!
* I was recently asked to lead Women's Bible Study ministry at my church for the next 2 years!!! (I really wanted to do this! It was my secret prayer between me and the Lord) My duties include finding a study for fall and spring semesters and leading them, and also organizing a ladies mentoring program.
* I was asked by a former teacher friend to speak at her church's Mother's Day Brunch an encouraging 30 minute talk about motherhood! Ooooooh, fun!!!
* A friend at church randomly called me, we spoke on the phone for about 2 hours, she shared her testimony with me, and the reason why she homeschools, and she really empowered and encouraged me to want to homeschool and to at least try it (I mean I'm homeschooling now, but I mean for pre-K and Kindergarten). I'm going to a homeschool convention on May 15th and I am so pumped to buy curriculum, take some classes, and meet tons of great parents!
I list these things not to brag or pat myself on the back, but to give praise to God! He has allowed these blessings in my life and I am very grateful. These are the things that allow me to really feel confident and to move forward with my family and make each day more special than the next! Isn't God Good???? Joyce suggested we list our blessings, and that is my list! Try it, it will bless you! (pssss...and read it out loud!)
Well, that's all folks! I hope you enjoyed my top 17!!! I really, really enjoyed reading this book! I pray it was a blessing to all of you!
You go girl! Go out there and face today with confidence! And smile :)
Visit Suzie's blog post and remind her how awesome she is! You go Suzette! I couldn't have done this book study without you, dearie! http://godlyrose.blogspot.com
Excellent re-cap! I'm going to send this post to my sister if you don't mind. I think she would be blessed by it. Woohoo for the opportunity to lead a woman's study next year! That sounds right up your alley. I'm sure you'll be a huge blessing to them. Hope your week has been a good one so far!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on deciding to homeschool! I was homeschooled all through high school, and I am a hgue advocate for it. it's not for everyone, but I am definitely planning to homeschool our children someday too!
ReplyDeleteKristin and Michela you have no idea what a great encouragement you are to me! Thank you guys!!!
ReplyDeleteMichela I might pick your brain about homeschooling some time!