This is me in a nutshell, over the past few weeks...
My proudest parenting moment: Helping Julia to learn to read
Activity I don't love but do anyway because my kids love it so much: Blowing bubbles. It gets everywhere, it spills, it's sticky, she blows it in my face, but she loves BUBBLES!!!
My meltdown-prevention tactic: Strict food and sleep schedules and everyone gets their nap!
Mornings are always smoother when: The night before I get the coffee pot ready, the table set, the sink is empty and the countertops are empty and cleaned
I define downtime as: Blogging! I love to write and check in on my friends and see how their days are going.
My guiltiest pleasure: Chips and Mango Salsa (Costco has it and we love it)
I've started____________ a thousand times: Drinking more water
My mom was right about: Appreciating nature. She is teaching Julia all about how to garden and care for plants (let's just say my green thumb is NOT green). Everytime we visit Nana Julia runs over to the watering pot and says, "C'mon Grandma!!! Water plants!" How can Grandma say no?
My spouse and I always disagree about: Hmmmm, life is so good right now, we have been on the same page!!!
Even when my children have families of their own, I'll still: Kiss their hands and tell them I love them.
I love it! You are such a wonderful woman, wife, and mother, and I am privileged to call you my friend!