Happy 32nd Birthday, John, here are 32 reasons why I love you so much!!!
1. Faith-I love that you love Jesus and put him first!
2. Blue eyes- I love those blue eyes of yours, and I get to see them thru our children every day!
3. Warm toes- At night you always have warm toes and don't mind my cold toes!
4. Goofiness- I love how silly you can be!
5. Compassion- Seeing your love and kindness towards people after you got saved has really grown and is beautiful to watch. I'll never forget how you came home from the Romanian fund raiser with 3 children for us to sponsor!
6. Affectionate- I am super shy, but you've always been lovey dovey and love to hold hands, and it has definitely made me a more open and warmer person.
7. Sense of humor- Babe, I love how even if your jokes aren't always funny, you think they are hilarious! Your sense of humor keeps our marriage light and fun!
8. Provider- I love the way you provide for our family, and have now allowed me to stay home with the kids while you work 3 jobs (Morgan Stanley, Taekwondo, and Artisan Images)! You are such a hard worker and are amazing!
9. Visionary- You have such a creative way about you! I love how you can look at a room and see it's potential. I love how you stepped into our new home 4 years ago and were able to choose all the paint colors to make our home warm and inviting! Business wise you make great long term decisions. This is one of your gifts God has given you.
10. Hard working- Babe, you and I never stop. You never sit down before asking, "What else can I do to help you?" And I really appreciate that! You even did all the mulch and power-washing outside on your birthday weekend.
11. Dependable- So many people rely on you honey, and your shoulders are big enough to carry all the extra weight and responsibility!
12. Predictable- I never have to worry what kind of mood you will be in. You are so loving and predictable and safe! You are home to me.
13. Adventurous- Our trip to Mexico and jumping off the cliff to go snorkeling! Yup, that was adventurous! (we won't mention the motorcycle days!)
14. Daring- You are never afraid to try something new! What an exciting person you are! We've tried so many fun things together, which I probably never would have done, like new foods, traveling the world, and trusting God with our lives!
15. Fun- Barcelona was an example of just how fun you are! I'll never forget New Year's Eve and all the 12 grapes!
16. Generous- Babe when you give to others, your time, your love, and your energy, your generosity shines through! When you come home with surprises for us, we are so thankful!
17. Trip Planner- I'll never forget Rome, when you earned your name as Tour Nazi from me and mom and dad. But in a good way! You knew what you wanted to see and explore and you had a plan! Our hotel was in a perfect location from all the shops, the best restaurants, the Spanish Steps, and the major cathedrals! You are awesome!
18. Lover of History- Honey, from the history channel, to the books you read, from Seminary courses, to the museums and places we visited, your love of history has sparked a love of history in me and a love for more learning!
19. Museum Buddy- My favorite dates with you are holding hands down the streets of NY and heading into the MOMA, the Met, or the museum of Natural History. I love going with you! Not to mention all the museums we visited in Washington, DC and Europe, and London!
20. Conservative- Honey even though you love a good dare or adventure you are very conservative in your way of thinking (which I so appreciate). From the way you dress, to the music we listen to, to our choice of living and spending. I'm thankful for how God has designed you.
21. Responsible- Now that we have 2 little ones, I can see just how responsible you are and how much you try to be a good dad, and husband. You are a great example.
22. Very disciplined- Waking up at 4:30 am to work out?! Need I say more?
23. Researcher- From the house we move into, to the car we drive, to the dog we buy, you are forever researching and finding the best fit for us as a family. I love the work you always put into finding just the right match!
24. Technical- How do you upload the photos? Can you fix the cable? What's wrong with my I-phone? How do I choose the song on my I pod? You always have the answers!
25. Analytical- Babe, sometimes I don't understand how your mind works! But I'm glad it does what it does!
26. Thinker- The sculpture of the thinking man really reminds me of you! My C.S. Lewis and Ravi wannabe!
27. "Weeping Prophet"- Whenever you speak or do a sermon, or even when you were baptized and shared your testimony (I'll never forget your mentioning in front of the church that your wife is hot...very embarrassing, but yes, funny) your emotion and connection to Christ always comes through. I love you, my weeping prophet!
28. Chef- I love that you love to cook. I just don't understand why my kitchen looks like a tornado hit when you are done. LOL
29. Family Man- I love when we are on the basement floor, watching Barney, and the kids are climbing on both of us. What a blessing to have children!
30. Romantic- Surprising me with a trip to Paris on Christmas morning, and telling me we have tickets to leave that night...yup, romantic! Spinning underneath the Eiffel Tower, yup, romantic! Watching the sunrise on the beach of Cape May, yup, romantic! The list goes on and on! I love you!
31. Surprises- Babe, how you surprise me at least once or twice a year still amazes me! My all time favorite was Paris, but a close second is when you had the top of our wedding cake designed again for our 5 year anniversary! That was awesome!!!
32. Great daddy- I know you love Julia and Mark! By the way you have prayed for them, saved for them, sacrificed for them, wow! You are a wonderful daddy!
Happy Birthday my love!
Happy birthday, John! Love the Ladouceurs from sunny Florida!
ReplyDeleteawwww...how sweet is that??? Kristi -- i know YOU are a blessing to John as well. I dont know you long, but the way I see you mothering those two gorgeous kids, keeping that house unbelievably clean and holding it all together...I am super impressed and MOTIVATED to do the same! John is great...but behind every great man is a woman who holds it all in place!! I love you KRISTI!! (and you too john, of course!)Happy birthday!!!