So, all I wanted for Mother's Day this year was a new mailbox, and it had to be white, and it had to be "pretty" I told John...and wahlah (Wahlah is my NEW FAVORITE word), look what he did!!!
It might not look like a lot of work, but it took John 2 hours just to dig the old post out of the ground. Then he had to put a new wood post in, level it, poor new cement, wait for it to dry and then put the sleek white covering over the wood and attach all the parts.
All together he was probably out there from about 1pm til 5:30!
The whole reason why I wanted a new mailbox was because in the old, ugly, tilted, non closing one (can you tell I DID NOT like it?) there was a very mean family of huge bumble bees, and one bumble bee would stand guard every day! I was terrified to get my own mail, how rude!
But now, I can safely, take Marky or Julia out with me to pick up our mail, I LOVE getting mail, and happily go back inside, without feeling like we might be attacked at any moment!
So to my beloved husband, thank you! Thank you for me new beautiful white, bee-free mailbox...and honey, don't forget to put my red flag up! (Pleaseeeeeeee!)
And that is my mailbox makeover story!
I love it! It is sooooo pretty!