Hi friends,
First, can I just say how much I love you guys for taking the time to stop by and read my blog. Some of you I know in person and some of you I have only met on "blog land" but you all are near and dear to me. I get to share my heart, and be myself, and it is so rewarding just to read some of your encouraging words and know you guys are praying for me or are going through similar things.
Many of you that I know of are wives. Which means you have an amazing husband that God has blessed you with. I have a huge confession. The first four years of my marriage I was really good at taking the time to pray for John each week, first on my own, and then with an accountability/prayer partner, but once Julia and Mark came, I have to be honest, I haven't prayed for John on a regular basis the way I used to. I mean, don't get me wrong, I pray for him, especially when he texts me to pray for an upcoming meeting, or he's about to take an important exam, or he's sick. But I used to pray for him just to bathe him in prayer because I wanted him to be all that God wants him to be, and I love him.
So, God has really been tugging at my heart to be more consistent with praying, and what better way to make it a priority and to have accountability than to share this with you. For the next 30 weeks, that's right 30...I will be posting my take on Stormie Omartian's book The Power of a Praying Wife.
When John and I first got married we went to a Christian Couples Marriage Conference...I'll never forget it because it was at a really nice hotel and it was on Valentine's Day weekend, and we went with another couple we were friendly with at the taekwondo school. At the end of the conference there was a book sale and I bought Stormie's book. I read it through once by myself and loved it so much, I asked Debi (my prayer partner for many years now) to do it again with me. We had such a good time praying for our husbands, and both their names are John! We bought the workbook that went along with her book and shared our hearts. We also prayed scripture into the lives of our husbands, and guess what? Not only were our husbands blessed, but we were blessed.
So I really hope if you don't read along with me, that you'll at least take a few extra moments just to thank God each week for that great hubby of yours and pray for him. Sometimes we think our husbands need to change, but I found after reading this book, and praying for my husband, that most times it was me who needed a heart change. And you know what else? The more you pray for someone the more you love them. Isn't that cool? I mean I don't think it's humanly possible to love John any more than I already do, but if praying for him makes me a better wife and deepens my love for him, then I'm all for it.
"There is nothing that makes us love a person so much as praying for him." William Law
Week 1: The Power
This was a short lesson, but basically Stormie just wanted all of us to know that there is POWER in prayer. I'm sure you can think of a 100 different stories where God did amazing things through prayer for you. And so by praying for our spouse for specific things, and using God's Word to pray for him, there is God's amazing power at work. All things are possible with God. And God's Word never returns void. God always answers our prayers, with a yes, a no, or a wait. Stormie says, "It's laying down all claim to power in and of yourself, and relying on God's power to transform you, your husband, your circumstances, and your marriage."
I don't know about you but I recently found out about two christian couples whom I know that are either separating or divorcing. I just think it is so sad. Marriage is not easy, and I know Satan attacks us when we are weakest. So, I really believe in praying for our marriages and our husbands. If you ever need a good movie to watch with your hubby, I recommend Fireproof. John and I love that movie and it shows a couple struggling in their marriage and how they learn to fireproof their marriage.
You guys all know the verse Matthew 19:5 where it talks about when a man marries he leaves his father and mother and becomes one with his wife. Well Stormie also says, "They are a team, one unit, unified in spirit. The strength of a man and wife joined together in God's sight is far greater than the sum of the strengths of each of the two individuals. That's because the Holy Spirit unites them and gives added power to their prayers." How cool is that!?! No wonder Satan attacks marriages so much!
Prayer is so powerful and important. I'm praying for you guys today and your marriages, will you pray for mine?
Oh, and think of at least 5 wonderful things about your husband and tell him today! I'd love to hear what they are and how he reacted...I'll share mine and tell you what John says on another post.
1. John is soooooooo patient. Not only with Julia and Mark, but me!
2. He is a very good listener.
3. He loves to make me smile and so he really gives the best gifts with tons of thought and effort.
4. He loves the Lord with all his heart and really seeks to put God first and honor Him.
5. He works super hard and provides for all of our needs! Thank you, my love!
Dear Jesus,
There are many women who are represented here who I'd like to pray for. Please bless each one in their marriage. I pray that you help us to be a blessing to our husbands. Help us to be good listeners and respect their authority. I pray you help us with our words with our husbands. Help us to be loving and encouraging. Help us to change where we have weaknesses. Help us to put you first. Strengthen our marriages, Lord. We love you! Amen
I just picked that book up the other day to reread!!! It's amazing what you have in storage that you forget about! Looking forward to hearing your insight! Thank you for praying and I will be praying for your marriage! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteKathy Hoberg McCain
Oh, Kristi! Absolutely wonderful! I am going to text Brian throuhgout the day the 5 wonderful things about himself. I love you!
ReplyDeleteI have that book too, and I'm slowly making my way through it! I was a lot better about praying for Josh at the beginning of our marriage too, but I too have been reminded lately of how important it is to lift up our precious husbands in prayer! I'm looking forward to reading your insights on the book!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the blog Kristi :) I enjoyed this book and really saw how God has changed my marriage and my heart towards my husband. Thanks for the reminder that this is an ongoing responsibility that we are privileged to have as a Godly wife. I'm looking forward to reading your blogs and I will be joining you for the next 30 weeks :)
ReplyDeleteHi Kristi! Just wanted to stop by and say hello, let you know I was thinking of you! Hope you and your precious family are doing well!
ReplyDeleteok, i am so on this! i'm going to try to get the book. but, if i don't, i'm definitely going to take you up on your challenges. this on, i'll blog tomorrow :)