I'm super nervous today. It's been about a month in a half since I've been at MOPS. I don't think I shared this story yet, but the last time we went it was a bit of a nightmare for me and Julia.
First, MOPS is a Christian organization that stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and I've been going since Julia was about 10 months old (I was already pregnant with Mark by then). My friend Bianca's church hosts it and it is in Englishtown, NJ. It is a great way to connect with other moms and grow in your relationships, and even in your walk with the Lord. The children go to their own classes by age, and the moms partake in ice breakers (my job), yummy snacks, a video each week we meet, small group talks, prayer time, and sometimes crafts or service projects. I am so thankful for it.
Well, awhile ago Julia was in her 2-3 year old class and they tried to change her diaper on the high changing table and I heard her crying from where I was. (I found out later she is afraid to be up there...not at home just anywhere else.) Well, the woman who was changing her ignored her cries and kept doing it and she was freaking out, this is so unlike Julia, nothing upsets her. So, I ran upstairs went into the room and kindly asked the woman to stop and I took her down...ever since then she won't step foot into that room. I prayed about it and decided to take a break from MOPS.
I am trying today to see if she will go. I have been praying for peace, and that she would be comfortable and have a good time. I really don't want to stop going, and I also want Julia to be able to conquer her fears. (Although I will be telling them Do Not Change Her Diaper please!) It may seem small to you guys, but the last time we went and she ran out of that room I even started crying because I've never seen her react like that. I asked her what was wrong and she just said over and over "No change, no change" and patted her bottom. Poor girl.
Well, it is all in God's hands! I'm sure today will be great, and if by chance she doesn't want to go, I may have to ask my MIL to watch her on Tuesday mornings from 9-12. (It's only twice a month).
Pray for me ladies!!! I'm trusting God for a tiny miracle today!
How did it go today? Hope she had a better time than last!
ReplyDeleteOh, poor baby! I read this way after you came home. How did she do? It is not a small thing. She is your baby, and no one on earth is going to be as concerned for her well fare as you are. At least she saw that mommy can be on a completely different floor and will still come running when she calls.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter had a hard time at MOPS, too. One time she cried for the entire 2 hours and they didn't tell me until I went to pick her up. I guess I had not communicated with them what my desires were. Our MOPS group only has about 30 members, so we are allowed to bring our babies in if need be. I would have rather done that! Since then we have made progress and she loves going in to the nursery. I will be praying for you today!
ReplyDeleteThe most painful thing in the world is seeing your kids in pain. When I see our kids hurt and I just want to scoop them up and take away the pain. At times I am reminded when seeing that of how much God loves us.
ReplyDeleteRomans 8:32
He who did not spare His own son, but delivered Him over for us all...
Can you imagine a God who loves us so much He delivered His own son over to His enemies for those who were enemies? I almost punted a 2 year old across a room once when he made Juju cry by taking a toy. Shows how much more work God has to do on me.