23 May 2012

I'm Glad You Have Her

Beyond Friends

This picture says it all.

Mark was afraid to volunteer to participate in the song. Mr. Darren was giving out felt parts that would make a silly man made of food on the felt board.  Each child would be given a part of his "silly face"...felt nose (strawberry), felt body (waffle) felt feet (french toast).  There's a whole song and hand game we play on Thursdays, but Mark was nervous to raise his hand for a job...

Julia didn't hesitate.  When Mr. Darren called: "Did I miss anyone?  Does anyone else want a job?"  She proudly, but gently,  raised her brother's hand.  And instantly I saw him turn to look at me with the biggest smile on his face. His face said it all.  It said: Mom, I'm so lucky to have the best sister in the world.  And I couldn't agree more. 

Thank you Lord for blessing me with two wonderful kids.  Julia and Mark.  My pride and joy. 


  1. Okay! That is just WAY TOO SWEET!!!!!!! Ooooohhhhh!!!! I could squeeze you two!

  2. So sweet! Sibling love is the cutest.

  3. awww! thats something i feel bad about...nic moving out and maddy being an "only" child here, at home...

  4. Thank you Suzie...sending you hugs back!

    Camille, sibling love is so precious, you are right!

    Liz, don't worry you and Chris will fill the gap and Madison will be blessed no matter what!


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